Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negative?
  • pepalworks@gmail.com
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negative?

    by pepalworks@gmail.com » Sun May 26, 2024 6:38 pm

    On of my client project surpassed 100% of our Kickstarter goal! Check out the campaign here:http://kck.st/3Quid8X
    Sending smiles,

  • SgtPerez
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negative?

    by SgtPerez » Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:01 am

    So far it has been positive! This is my first kickstarter so fingers crossed that I will be successful. If you would like to check out my DND book kickstarter page -> http://kck.st/4eky6Jv
    You Rock!
  • Escape Envelope
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negative?

    by Escape Envelope » Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:50 am

    So far it's been great. We had a small customer based eager for our next game so and we didn't need a lot of money so we kept the funding goal low to avoid disappointment. But it's such a buzz to see it unfold from this side. I've backed over 50 campaigns but this is the first creating it for Escape Envelope. We are nearly 200% funded after 2 days
  • jessicaspecter
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negative?

    by jessicaspecter » Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:09 pm

    Positive! While I haven't gotten a fully funded campaign yet, I've learned a lot. Also, the people who back campaigns on KS are usually pretty nice people IME.
  • Artizta.audio
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negative?

    by Artizta.audio » Sun Sep 22, 2024 11:09 pm

    Hi everyone,

    Nick van Ommeren here from Artizta.audio. I saw two interesting questions pop up!

    • What has been frustrating?
    After launching, I received over 50 emails from companies eager to collaborate with us (e.g., “pay $499 now and earn a 20% commission”). Honestly, I have no idea if these companies actually help. The sheer volume makes it hard to choose. Has anyone here had good experiences with these kinds of offers? One example is the promise of exposure to 100K email subscribers. I’m curious how others approach this.
    • What tools or websites do you recommend (besides this one haha)?
    I took matters into my own hands and signed up with Kickbooster.me for an affiliate program. It’s a portal that allows me to manage partnerships. Without having to pay that $499 upfront, 11 companies have signed up for a 15% commission per order, and this has already generated over $3,000. I highly recommend it—everything is in one place, no upfront costs, and both I and the ‘brand ambassador’ know exactly what to expect. https://ferro-hi-fi-360-speaker-amplify ... -hi-fi-360

    We’ve been live on Kickstarter for a week now and are fully engaged. I’d love to hear from someone who can take a critical look at our page. All feedback is more than welcome.

    Best regards,
    Nick van Ommeren

    Our project:
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fe ... al-moments
    Amplify Social Moments with 360° Hi-Fi Audio :D

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