WildFlower wrote:It has generally been positive. I don't have much money for ads so I rely mostly on people that browse the website to fund the campaign. Due to this I launched it twice unsuccessfully, where 100% of the people came from Kickstarter itself. Tried Indiegogo but found that Kickstarter had better browsing as I didn't get any funding through Indiegogo. I'm on my 3rd launch and decided I should put it at 60 days rather than the 30 because I assumed that the longer it is there, the more likely it would be for people to fund it since there more time for people to find it through Kickstarter. It has been somewhat successful so far, as I've reached the most I have of the 3 launches. I have also run a giveaway on Gleam and I think that really helped because 20% of the backers this time came from outside links. One of the things that was frustrating was when people backed my previous project but didn't back the current once, since it's the same product. I guess they changed their minds of thought it would fail again.
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