Hacks to amplify your brand
  • just1jp
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    Hacks to amplify your brand

    by just1jp » Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:05 pm

    One of the most critical elements of launching a Kickstarter campaign is amplifying your brand to your backers. I don't think enough campaigns do this effectively.

    This is very important because it creates a platform for your backers to engage with (in addition to your campaign). The Kickstarter campaign I launched is called Perfect Burpee https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/922879608/perfect-burpee-the-perfect-workout-mat-for-athlete, a workout mat for athletes.

    We did two big things to amplify our brand and elevate the exposure of our campaign which can be turned into press if you are persistent enough.

    1.) Pledged to our backers to do 10,000 burpees in 30 days as our 2015 New Years Resolution. Here's what we said in our campaign "Our mission is to empower athletes in achieving their ultimate fitness and performance goals. In celebration of our Kickstarter launch and the New Year, we set our own goals of completing 10,000 burpees."

    2.) Produced a free industry event called the 2015 Boston Fitness Gala and premiered our Kickstarter video to an audience of 350+ fitness enthusiasts and athletes. It was a fantastic way to get our brand out there to hundreds of people in a matter of minutes. We raised the necessary funds to produce the event from local sponsors (took a fair amount of work).

    All of this matters because it directly translates into backers as well as press. Here are some of the press stories we've had come about because of our brand building efforts:

    SELF Magazine (covered our 10,000 burpee challenge)

    Bostinno (covered our Gala + kickstarter launch)

    What things have you done to amplify your brand in coordination with your launch?

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