Flow Hive: A Case Study in “Bee”2C Marketing on Indiegogo
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    Flow Hive: A Case Study in “Bee”2C Marketing on Indiegogo

    by Artofthekickstart » Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:20 pm

    In February 2015, Flow Hive launched their Indiegogo campaign and surpassed their $70,000 goal 8 minutes later. They went on to raise $2.18 million in the first day. So, how did they do it?

    Social Media

    Flow Hive began their social media efforts less than a month before kicking off their crowdfunding campaign, with the goal of gaining support from their personal networks and a handful of beekeepers. As one would imagine with a multi-million dollar campaign, these networks grew quickly. Now, nearly a year later, their Facebook page has more than 208,000 Likes, and they have more than 4000 Followers on Twitter.


    At 5:19, this video is longer than we typically recommend for crowdfunding projects, but it uses the time well, so it works. It’s engaging, compelling, and fun to watch, which helped lead to the project’s success. Let’s break it down a bit further… The beginning of the video shows off the entire product, leaving no doubt in the viewer’s mind as to what the product is. The project creators start explaining their product and their story almost immediately. They compare the traditional method of collecting honey to their new method with the Flow Hive, by showing each method step-by-step, thus demonstrating how much simpler the Flow Hive is. Then, the video offers testimonials from beekeepers all over the world who have tried the Flow Hive and fallen in love with it. Finally, the creators ask for pledges. Most notably, they plug different reward levels by directing their ask at a range of demographics – those who can’t have bees but love them, those who want to become beekeepers, and those who already have hives and would like to update them. Click the link to learn more about the Flow Hive campaign! http://artofthekickstart.com/flow-hive- ... 0Hive%20CS

    Art of the Kickstart

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