Curionic - Chronic Curiosity - #staycurious
  • Curionic
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    Curionic - Chronic Curiosity - #staycurious

    by Curionic » Sat Nov 08, 2014 6:02 am

    My name is Ricky Burroughs, I started this Kickstarter campaign almost a week ago. Im only at 7% right now but I have full belief that I might really be able to make this happen. It would be awesome of you and greatly appreciated if you gave it a peek :)

    The story is in the description, but its mainly that I have a 3 year old son and Im waiting for the questions to start rolling in! So I keep my mind fresh everyday, by making it a point to learn at least a few new things. So I thought, why not make a website and share all my new knowledge with the world. So then came about Chronic and #staycurious.

    Ill keep posting regularly here for updated status of my project. I hope y'all like it!

    I made a beginning pledge of a dollar so it shouldn't be too hard to help me out :)



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