Hello! I started my first project few days ago.
Its all natural hand-made socks from Ukraine. You can see it here:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/466565858/woolen-handmade-socks-from-ukraine-by-umountain-cr?ref=discoveryWhen I start I choose a category "Footwear" in "Fasion", because I thought that "footwear" is more close to socks theme.
My project for now is not very succesful so now I think to change category for "Appreal" or "Craft".
Can anybody give me any recommendation wha I have to choose and can it save my project?
And I read that category changing after project started can give a bad resoult for product (becouse it can give poor influence on the rating) - can anybody corroborate it?
Thanks for your answers and sorry for my English.