Firstly, Thank you for providing this forum for all of us to learn, share, and succeed! It truly is a great asset.
This is my first Kickstarter campaign, so I'm learning as quickly as I can!
I would love to plug my new campaign: The SmartStart Wakeup Alarm - a new Hardware/App combination that won't allow you to accidentally turn your alarm off until you're up and out of bed for the day! SmartStart wakeup alarm has two parts - a soft, thin weight-sensing pad that lays under a user’s mattress, and a smartphone app that communicates with the sensing pad via Bluetooth. The pad can detect body weight in multiple areas and uses an onboard microprocessor to calculate whether the weight detected is that of a person or some other object. If SmartStart senses a person is still in bed too long after they’ve shut off their smart-phone alarm, it will automatically turn the alarm back on!
I did some research and found that most people who say "my alarm didn't go off" are all unconsciously doing the same thing - shutting off their alarms in their sleep. According to the NINDS, most people don’t remember the last few minutes before they fell asleep, so a typical person may hear the alarm, shut it off, and fall back asleep all without any memory of doing so! I invented SmartStart to solve this problem. I knew that with all of the “Smart” technology already in our homes these days, there was no reason why our alarm clocks couldn't be improved as well.
Check us out! If we can help you wake up more reliably, preorders are open until the morning of Jan 10th!
Thanks again for this great opportunity!
-Patrick ... f=category--------------------------------------
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke