I just started a project for my step-grandpa who served in the Vietnam War. He is a veteran and I want to give him something spectacular for Veteran's Day and Christmas. On Veteran's Day I want to give him a five dollar bill folded in the shape of a heart so he always has a piece of America's Heart. Then on Christmas I want to give him a photobook with many photos of the things he fought for. It will also have something inspirational written on each page.
I also would like to sell these photobooks on Amazon so it will also be able to make someone cherish the things we take for granted everyday. You can click on the link below to see the project!
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/15 ... erans-bookI hope that you all can take the time to pledge something so that my gift will be able to be gifted to people all over the country! (or even to a Veteran who is on duty right now in another country)