700% Funded on Day 1!!
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    Betta Games
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    700% Funded on Day 1!!

    by Betta Games » Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:01 am

    So my wife got me into table top games, and before I knew it me, her, and her dad started developing card and board games for fun. We wanted to share our games with the world but...money. So we looked to Kickstarter and found out that we need two things. Money and Experience. Money for great graphics for our games before Kickstarting, and experience in running and most importantly following through on a Kickstarter

    So Long story short we are saving money. And we had an idea of how to start a Kickstarter campaign with pretty much guaranteed success so that we could get the experience of running a successful campaign.

    Enter "The $1 Poem Project." You see I've been writing poetry on and off since I was kid. It's something I'm passionate about and enjoy doing. And so the idea was born that if someone gave me $1 and a topic, I would write them a poem about that topic and mail it straight to them...That's it..that is the idea.

    And after weeks of putting things together, working on pledges, stretch goals, shipping costs, etc. I posted "The $1 Poem Project" on Kicksarter as of February 2nd 2016. And so far so good. We are 700% funded.
    How? simple....the pledge goal is $1 and I have a very nice grandmother lol :lol:

    For those of you who are also generous, poetry lovers, or just interested to see what it looks like, I'll include a link.https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/84 ... nav_search

  • ninetailfawks
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    Re: 700% Funded on Day 1!!

    by ninetailfawks » Wed Mar 09, 2016 3:20 pm

    that is great :) I went and made sure to look at your project :) I am doing a project as well but its stories with illustrations on cards :) I would love if you could look at mine as well, your idea is very cute!
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    Re: 700% Funded on Day 1!!

    by sbriggman » Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:58 pm

    Congrats on being successfully funded!
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
  • Benjii699
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    Re: 700% Funded on Day 1!!

    by Benjii699 » Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:41 pm


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