My dream is to make a change in the world. A positive change. I feel as though I can best achieve this through constant innovation and implementing new ideas through Entrepreneurial ventures. Starting with HeadPal
This is an amazing post. We are almost halfway through our campaign but are only 21% funded. Whilst disappointed, I am not going to give up hope. Especially after reading this thread. If you have a chance, check out the HeadPal campaign here:
So far, I would say it has been a positive experience. Even though we are not on track to receive funding, we have learnt a bucket load! You can never put a price on an invaluable learning experience.
I am only 21% funded with 19 days to go and realise that a LOT more work needed to be put in to the preparation of our campaign prior to launching. We have a great product, but our crowdfunding campaign preparation has let us down.