Make sure to spread your marketing efforts out across multiple platforms, and to focus on websites that get a lot of traffic (I use a SEO plugin "SEO for Chrome" to make sure a particular website is worth the effort). Here's a good list to get help via Twitter: ... n-twitter/
Pocketnote: Our Lifehack to Act. The starting point for our Kickstarter campaign, which just went online today (!), was strongly inspired by Simon Sinek's brilliant TED talk "Start with why": m Our notebook is intended to help people help themselves, so we can all move out of our heads and...
I was wondering: what makes these projects blow up? Is it the "wow-effect", the work done prior to the launch or luck & timing? Is it a matter of having a very professional video (and campaign in general), or do people appreciate authenticity?
What a cool thread! I'm from Denmark, but I have lived in France, Canada and most recently I've spent a couple of years in the U.S. I've also been to Brazil and Columbia and I've had great experiences everywhere, but I have never been to Asia and I would love to see Japan. Have you guys ever been to...
Don't spam journalists with a generic press release. Your time is much better spent thoroughly preparing each individual email to the media person (reading articles the journalist has written, reading about the publication or website etc.). Begin your email with a compliment and try to make the jour...