I have no experience with wireless chargers. Your's looks fabulous. Would like to see it in action. Thank you! We absolutely accept that compliment. Hahaha. Join our ampere community to get the latest updates, beta test opportunities and even get invited to our kickass kickstarter party. We accept ...
Also, don't you need to have a special battery or something to use wireless charging? I'm not 100% familiar with the technology, but I seem to recall devices needing something addition for it to work. Hey hogeandco! Thank you for your input. As for our specs we're currently still finalising the det...
Well my first gripe is a case. I want my case to show off my device and usually wireless chargers are ugly. Second is cable management for the wireless charging plate. Thank you for the feedback! (If you wanna give more, or be part of our Ampere community, do hop on over to our site - m. If you're ...
What's up techies and non-techies alike! My startup is looking to launch our wireless charging sleeve, so we wanted to get a feel of the current market state from people who are familiar or have used wireless chargers. So, if you have any gripes with wireless chargers from your experience with them,...
Awesome!!! Always happy to see a KS campaign off to an awesome start. The first few days of your campaign really define your KS's success. Great to see yours going well!
Hey, I'm a girl. I think it's interesting that you chose to go the KS route for your venture. Because, usually, fashion/jewelry types set up online stores immediately. But, all the best! I think that you need to drive your current backers to share and get other people to back. Cos, KS is all about c...
Yes! What MOCCI said. You never know. A miracle might come along your way.
Apart from that, just keep engaging your current backers to really share your project! Because, if they are as passionate as you are on your project, then you'll get more backers in no time. (I hope, hahaha)