First Kickstarter Launched - Caelum Sky #1!
  • ALRadeck
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    First Kickstarter Launched - Caelum Sky #1!

    by ALRadeck » Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:05 am

    So I put out a new artbook/ grownup picture book for my first project, Caelum Sky #1! ... ustrated-1


    And I managed to hit over 2K in a few days, which is super exciting!

    For the most part i've been working the art sites I frequent to start, and unsurprisingly they've given me some great support back, though after a few days it's slowed down. I'm able to post more little art updates that helps bring people in each time, which I think i'll use to help remind my userbase about this project. As it stands i've got some ads up on those sites, which give me a hit about every few hours.

    So far we're at 2,132 at this point in time, with my main goal being 7K. Hopefully I can make it!

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    Re: First Kickstarter Launched - Caelum Sky #1!

    by sbriggman » Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:35 pm

    Wow awesome! Glad to see you interacted in the art communities beforehand. Let me know if you have any questions related to Kickstarter I can help answer.
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
  • combomash
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    Re: First Kickstarter Launched - Caelum Sky #1!

    by combomash » Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:33 pm

    Not bad! You're getting pretty close to your goal, love the art style too
  • Jwetherill
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    Re: First Kickstarter Launched - Caelum Sky #1!

    by Jwetherill » Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:11 pm

    Looks Cool Good Luck!
  • genderportraits
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    Re: First Kickstarter Launched - Caelum Sky #1!

    by genderportraits » Thu May 01, 2014 8:14 pm

    Neat! I'm impressed by how quickly you got your pledges. 2k in a few days? What sites are you posting too? I'm just trying to figure out how to spread the word on mine, and it's daunting.
  • malekhaneen
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    Re: First Kickstarter Launched - Caelum Sky #1!

    by malekhaneen » Fri May 02, 2014 4:01 am

    Great artwork
  • MeatNNuts
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    Re: First Kickstarter Launched - Caelum Sky #1!

    by MeatNNuts » Mon May 05, 2014 3:07 pm

    Congrats on the funding thus far! Will absolutely be spreading the word :).
  • DanielNeale
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    Re: First Kickstarter Launched - Caelum Sky #1!

    by DanielNeale » Wed May 07, 2014 9:52 am

    Great job! You still have 12 days left - congrats!
  • benpow93
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    Re: First Kickstarter Launched - Caelum Sky #1!

    by benpow93 » Mon May 12, 2014 1:51 pm

    Looks great! Fantastic artwork! Have you had any success with marketing services? I have been spammed with so many marketing services and I don't know if they are even reliable....
  • ALRadeck
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    Re: First Kickstarter Launched - Caelum Sky #1!

    by ALRadeck » Thu May 15, 2014 4:38 am

    Yikes! I didn't realize that I had a bunch of posts on here, haha! Lemmie go through and answer y'all:

    @Combosmash: Thank you! I've had fun wandering around realism into some downright cartoony aspects in some images. It's nice to have a project that's not entirely adhered to one single way of doing things.

    @genderportraits: Mostly art sites. I've done some runs with varying ad campaigns, but my best return comes from my galleries in various places. I've gotten 26 people from Deviantart (which that's a hard market, most of the users there are younger, but you can snag a pledger or two from time to time) I've got a Furaffinity account that's been my biggest asset, though. It's a sort of a small, niche crowd/ small site feel with millions o' people on there. My account there's got about 12,000 watchers on it, and i've been posting little sketches every 3-5 days with a link and an update on how far along the kickstarter is. Each time, i'll get new people who'll be like "I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THIS" even though i've been talking about it for a month straight now, haha. They've provided about 40% of my total pledges. Otherwise the same as everyone else- Facebook, tumblr, etc.

    @MeatNuts Thank you! I appreciate the fantastic support!

    @benpow93: Ohhhh boy. Definitely not. That's been the biggest eye-opener; things like that which you think'll help by giving a boost, like the 100 dollar thing I bought into with yeilded absolutely nothing. Actually, i take that back, I got 5 dollars from it. Still not a great return. They were the only marketing people I sought out, but I too got a bunch of people propositioning thier advertising wares to me like they were trying to sell me drugs. "Hey, nice kickstarter. I can get you a bunch of PR. You let me know if you're interested in my services *sassy wink*"

    Sites that I bought advertising through: FA bought a month-long ad, DA bought a 100 dollah package for "impressions" that got me like...5 dollars again. 100 bucks towards Crowdfunding PR that nearly got me hacked because the only thing I was sent was a phishing link, and 100 bucks through Reddit in advertising various subreddits. Books yielded the most back, and depending if I'm feeling real zany, I might throw another 30 bucks their way for the last day push. All and all, 320 dollars total. Possibly 350.

    Best thing was posting project-related updates. I also did a "Pics for Tweets' deal halfway through that I sent out large, full scale images for having people tweet out my project. That got maybe...1 or 2, at best.

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