First Kickstarter - Mushrooms!
  • jeanetmarie
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    Re: First Kickstarter - Mushrooms!

    by jeanetmarie » Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:31 am

    Woo Hoo! You guys made it. All the best. Cheers.

  • cth mushrooms
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    Re: First Kickstarter - Mushrooms!

    by cth mushrooms » Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:34 am

    Wanted everyone to know: We made it! We reached our goal just past 12am this morning. We still have 23 hours to go. We put up some ideas of stretch goals, but we're not pushing it too hard since there isn't too much time left. We're just so glad we made it!

    The direct, individual emails really pushed us over the edge I think. We kept up our Twitter and Facebook campaign and had a lot of retweets and shares there. Toward the end some of our friends really took this on and started posting on our behalf, commenting, sharing, etc - as much as we were! I think some people were more stressed out about making it than us!
    We also took advantage of well-known folks that pledged. A local restaurant and a grocery store with huge followings said really nice things about us which we put on Facebook and tweeted - and those were picked up by the restaurant and grocery. The mayor of Minneapolis pledged to our campaign and we totally spread that news.
    Another newspaper story came out yesterday, but we'd already mostly made the goal. I think we're going to be riding on the Kickstarter wave for some time to come. I've got a radio show lined up and another article - even though the campaign will be over, we're still gathering supporters and fans. I guess that means our network will be that much bigger if we decide to do this crazy Kickstarter thing again!
    We really appreciated having this community for all the great resources and advice.
  • cth mushrooms
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    Re: First Kickstarter - Mushrooms!

    by cth mushrooms » Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:35 am

    Thanks Jeanetmarie. =)
  • cschwirz27
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    Re: First Kickstarter - Mushrooms!

    by cschwirz27 » Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:17 pm

    Congratulations on being funded! Awesome project :)

    Any quick advice? ... anging-pad
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    Re: First Kickstarter - Mushrooms!

    by sbriggman » Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:31 pm

    Huzzah! Congrats! :D Awesome to see that all the hard work paid off.

    "The mayor of Minneapolis pledged to our campaign and we totally spread that news. " - That's really cool!

    Great to also see that the marketing you've done during your campaign will impact your business after Kickstarter and continue to get you some good PR/awareness. Gave you the "Kickstarter Success" badge - you earned it ;)
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
  • cth mushrooms
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    Re: First Kickstarter - Mushrooms!

    by cth mushrooms » Thu May 01, 2014 3:00 am

    Thanks for the fancy badge sbriggman! Feels good to have that!

    cschwirz27 - sure! We got some good advice reading through this forum and many of the various tip articles, so keep reading!
    I see you're about 1/3 of the way through - the doldrums! Don't give up! Keep contacting people and contacting people. Send personal emails to everyone you know, even if you haven't talked with them in years. Ask them to support you. Ask them, if they can't support you, to help you spread the word. Use your Facebook a lot; talk about your campaign a lot and ask others to. If you're on Twitter, do the same. If there are any companies or stores or mom groups or anything related to your product that you can pitch the idea to and they'll help spread the word, do that.

    Love your idea of the lottery by the way. Good luck!

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