Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA)
  • justamomnca
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by justamomnca » Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:05 am

    Nick, I have a new video up - it's exactly 5 minutes wondering if you would take a second look. I tried to incorporate a lot of what you said, I hope! Anyway I think it's a lot better than what I started with. Still need to shoot some clips at the machine shop. Thanks again for all of your feedback! Really sincerely APPRECIATED! Inga https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/12 ... n=5abf2681

  • Nick77
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by Nick77 » Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:21 pm

    minayoo wrote:I just started my campaign two days ago. It started out with a bang but now it is down to a trickle. I am hoping that some media attention will help out. Do you think media is critical to KS success? Also, when would you say is the slowest time in a campaign? Thanks! http://kck.st/1lI7922

    Wow, you certainly did jump out with a bang - great job! I do think media is critical to KS success - especially after you run out of your personal and social media contacts. You need something to keep it going. As for the slowest time in a campaign, I think it starts to get slow when two things happen: 1. You fall off the 'discover' and 'popular' sections of Kickstarter, and 2. When you stop promoting, cajoling, and bribing ;) all your friends and social contacts to back your campaign. Thus, the importance of media.

    Would you be willing to let us know how many video views you have right now in your campaign? Go to 'check your dashboard' and it will be in the middle section.
    Kickin' it,
  • Nick77
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by Nick77 » Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:29 pm

    SOcampain wrote:Fantastic you are offering to help!

    We are an independent band with a 12K facebook following and ok 400+ twitter.

    1. We launched our music campaign

    2. Felt we did a good job on the video - got great feedback
    3. Not been able to get the amount of pledges as of yet but in the heat of it.
    4. We are working it hard, facebook twitter, emails, local press.

    Any suggestions?

    Well, I would say you're in a tough spot with 9 days to go. If there is anything you can do to replicate what you did on day 3 when you received nearly $4K in pledges, you should be doing it and in a hurry. Other than that, it's a little late to start a Press Release blitz, so, you've got to find a way to leverage your large following - the 12K on FB and 400+ on Twitter. In addition to asking for people to help you by backing, ask people to help you spread the word and/or if anyone among your followers has connections that have big followings, influence, etc. Good luck!
    Kickin' it,
  • Nick77
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by Nick77 » Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:41 pm

    justamomnca wrote:Nick, I have a new video up - it's exactly 5 minutes wondering if you would take a second look. I tried to incorporate a lot of what you said, I hope! Anyway I think it's a lot better than what I started with. Still need to shoot some clips at the machine shop. Thanks again for all of your feedback! Really sincerely APPRECIATED! Inga https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/12 ... n=5abf2681

    Hi Inga,
    I'm sorry to say, I still see many of the same problems as before. In addition to what I previously posted, I would do everything possible to avoid being a 'talking head' - for example, you have an ipad with a video on it that you reference - that we can't see. In editing, cut directly to this footage. It will be much more interesting, we'll be able to see the benefit of your product, and thus, it will have much more impact, and it will keep our interest.

    Here is a to-the-point video to study:
    http://kck.st/12xr2Tp (watch this one specifically for problem/solution/backstory/ and the cuts, and pacing)

    And of course these:
    Kickin' it,
  • Nick77
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by Nick77 » Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:52 pm

    icarustrade wrote:Great info, especially for a kickstarter virgin like myself.......


    There's no question here, but I understand your implied question: If I have no marketing in place, no network to contact, where can I post without making a contribution in a self-centered way, praying that people will visit my campaign which currently has 2 backers? Why, here of course.

    Here are a few helpful tips:
    1. Put some effort in like you're doing with your marketing. Create a video. How about a sizzling book trailer for your epic novel???
    2. Generate a press release and contact book reviewers
    3. Reach out to your family, friends, and co-workers to back your campaign, but also to help spread the word.
    4. Contact your local newspaper with a human interest story angle
    5. Work your butt off to contact bloggers, social media influencers, in your area of interest

    What not to do:
    1. Spam boards without giving back or contributing
    2. Contact other Kickstarter project creators asking them to promote your project when you have nothing to reciprocate.

    Good luck!
    Kickin' it,
  • KyleSurprenant
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by KyleSurprenant » Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:00 pm

    Nick thanks you for offering up all this help! I do have a lot of questions because everyone says our kickstarter project is a great idea but we are not raising much in donations.

    Our device, we call it flashy, syncs just about any light to music coming from a sound system. You can check out our project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/flashy/flashy

    If we have such a good idea than the only reason the campaign is going so slow must be that I am doing something wrong. So far I have gotten us into 2 local newspapers handed out thousands of flyers and talked with local startup groups. Nothing seems to have any effect. Am I wrong and we are just not good enough? I mean we are a staff pick after all, which make me feel like the staff at least has faith in us,but we are past the halfway point in the campaign and I am really starting to worry.

    What would you do in my shoes?

    Thanks again for the free help Nick,

  • Nick77
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by Nick77 » Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:54 pm

    KyleSurprenant wrote:I do have a lot of questions because everyone says our kickstarter project is a great idea but we are not raising much in donations.

    Our device, we call it flashy, syncs just about any light to music coming from a sound system. You can check out our project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/flashy/flashy

    If we have such a good idea than the only reason the campaign is going so slow must be that I am doing something wrong. So far I have gotten us into 2 local newspapers handed out thousands of flyers and talked with local startup groups. Nothing seems to have any effect. Am I wrong and we are just not good enough? I mean we are a staff pick after all, which make me feel like the staff at least has faith in us,but we are past the halfway point in the campaign and I am really starting to worry.

    What would you do in my shoes?

    Thanks again for the free help Nick,


    Hi Kyle,
    Quick take on your creation: This is a "want" and not a "need" item, so you have to really amp up the want side of the equation in order to get people on board. Sadly, you're nearly at the end of your campaign so it's a little late to change things. The other option is that if you don't amp up the want side for the creation, then you have to get people wanting to help you. To do this you need more story - more back story - more passion.

    This brings me to your video. One key thing you're missing - you're not showing how much fun people could have with it. Here is an idea if you want to remake it at any point. First shot: lame party, people standing around, voice over: "This is your party without Flashy." Cut to: rocking party with lots of happening people - you have a beverage or something in hand and you're surrounded by hot girls, good looking guys, having a blast - with you saying/yelling over the noise, "And this is your party with Flashy." Cut to some hip cuts of you three, I'm Kyle, I'm Brooks, and I'm Alan, and we like to have fun…. or whatever." If you went hip and cool, you could get a lot of people talking about it, wanting it, telling their friends about it.

    After that opening, jump into your backstory - whatever that is, telling how you came to this vision. And if you are electrical engineering students, computer majors, tie this into your creation. Show us your drawings, make us believe you didn't just source this thing out somewhere and you're looking for a quick buck on Kickstarter. Show yourselves putting one together…

    Then, tell us why you need our money - the details - the materials you found, the electronic components, the UL testing/label you'll need.

    This would help significantly, IMHO, but at the end of the day, you'll have to really look at your creation and question whether there's anything truly new or unique about it.

    As for what family and friends say… the true test of someone's opinion is whether they will reach into their pockets for what you have. If you showed one of these same friends a 3D printer for $10 bucks would they immediately reach into their pocket? Yes, because it's new, cool, a great deal, and even if they didn't need it, they would want it…

    Lastly, you guys are in college. Your online social networking connections should be humming…

    Good luck with the rest of your campaign. Hope I helped in some way.


    Alternative to the above remake of your video:
    You could isolate a lame dude at the lame party and say, "This is Carl. He decided to throw a party." Cut to the rocking party, "And this is Doug (surrounded by fun people) he decided to throw a party with Flashy."

    -By isolating one guy, it might be more painful and relatable to people.
    Kickin' it,
  • KyleSurprenant
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by KyleSurprenant » Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:07 pm

    Thanks Nick, you have brought up a lot of good points. Sadily, I am we just don't have the resources to do all that. Orrigionally that is what we wanted but like you said its a little late now anyways. Thanks for the fast response though, I really appreciate it!
  • jvanatta
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by jvanatta » Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:15 pm

    Hello Nick,
    I have already launched a kickstarter campaign, but have yet to have any success. Is there anything that you would reccommend to make this successful. Our kickstarter can be found at:

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/14 ... h-assassin

    Thank you in advance,

  • Frank9881
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by Frank9881 » Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:14 pm

    Hi Nick,

    I am very close to launching my Indiegogo campaign. In fact I hoped to launch it early next week. If you have the time and can check it out I'd love to get some outside feedback from a fresh set of eyes. Just some quick background info but I am looking to start a small business in my area, a doggy daycare specifically. I decided to use Indiegogo to help me raise the startup capital needed for the business. In order to stand out, over time and once I am up and running I plan to donate back the contributions I receive to various animal shelter and rescue organizations of the contributors choice. I will also be dedicating a boarding room to foster a local homeless pet at all times until they get adopted. In my campaign I am trying emphasize that the backers will not only be helping me to start this business, but will also be helping homeless animals at the same time.

    My goal is to focus on my friends and families initially. With this initial backing I will then send out Press Releases to various organizations. Some are geared towards the business aspect of using crowdfunding in a different way and other are geared more for animal lovers. This is in addition to trying to work with blogs, websites, other animal organizations, etc to get the word out.

    You can check out the draft here https://www.indiegogo.com/project/preview/bf90f39f. Thanks and I appreciate any feedback you may have.

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