Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA)
  • justamomnca
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by justamomnca » Thu Apr 10, 2014 5:34 pm

    Nick I never meant to imply you didn't fully understand ANYTHING ! You are my hero. What you said in relation to him not reaching his online goal sparked the thought in my mind that maybe he hadn't considered. If he raised half of the money he needs offline but his online campaign was neglected because of that effort it (the online campaign) could possibly not get funded if he didn't reach his benchmark. Didn't know if HE had considered that aspect. Apologies to Nick if it didn't come out that way! Inga

  • Nick77
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by Nick77 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 5:44 pm

    Not to worry, I didn't take it that way at all.
    Kickin' it,
  • BGNews
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by BGNews » Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:41 pm

    Congrats on the success!

    I am Helena and running my own campaign now. It is to fund the creation of a board games website.You can see the campaign here

    This is day two that the campaign is running and basically it gathered this amount on day one. I have been working on the campaign through Facebook, Board Game Geek, and have been posting around in forums and sending out press releases.

    However I have NO idea how this is supposed to work! Do you have any tips on what I should do?

    Thanks in advance!
  • Nick77
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by Nick77 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:08 pm

    Hi Helena,
    Thanks for your post.

    I took a look at your campaign and I see that you've not only created this one, but 12 others. A deeper look shows that you've had some phenomenal successes, among them:

    12 Realms - $93K, 468% funded
    Drum Roll - $65K, 433% funded
    Archon: Glory - $53K, 359% funded
    Wrong Chemistry - $12K, 182% funded
    Shadows - $48K, 979% funded
    Machina - $142K, 713% funded

    I wonder why you're not holding an "Ask Me Anything" forum talk as it appears you not only have success behind you but also the network to leverage into more successes. It looks like you have a large team and previous backers along with many relationships in media. Leverage these with abandon!

    Best of luck.
    Kickin' it,
  • BGNews
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by BGNews » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:14 pm

    Hi Nick,

    I actually have Mage Company running it for me - lol should have made THAT clear. However, I (Helena) am responsible for all the communication of the project (including what is uploaded on the campaign). Hence the question!

    Mage company is a company which has run game based projects- yet this is a podcast/ website project. So the backers might not be interested.. That's why I am asking the question. :)

  • Nick77
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by Nick77 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:32 pm

    I understand now.

    Well, you can certainly approach them as your project is related to all of theirs, with the same audience, and it seems the success of your campaign/project will bring them success as well. Not to mention, the group you are with has been through many campaigns and obviously has many media/industry contacts that can help you. I would start there. You should be able to reach out to them if not for their direct help, but to ask them to whom they could refer you to. Additionally, you can get your press releases in the hands of people that have written about similar campaigns or the gaming industry. You list a bunch of companies in your 'story' page as well. Reach out to these. From my vantage point, you are sitting in a target-rich environment of people that can really help you...
    Kickin' it,
  • BGNews
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by BGNews » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:38 pm

    Thanks Nick,

    Already on that track! I appreciate your time to review this! Thanks for your help and support!
  • minayoo
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by minayoo » Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:42 pm

    I just started my campaign two days ago. It started out with a bang but now it is down to a trickle. I am hoping that some media attention will help out. Do you think media is critical to KS success? Also, when would you say is the slowest time in a campaign? Thanks! http://kck.st/1lI7922
  • icarustrade
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by icarustrade » Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:46 am

    Great info, especially for a kickstarter virgin like myself.......

  • SOcampain
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    Re: Raised over 246% on 4th campaign - Ask me anything! (AMA

    by SOcampain » Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:54 am

    Fantastic you are offering to help!

    We are an independent band with a 12K facebook following and ok 400+ twitter.

    1. We launched our music campaign

    2. Felt we did a good job on the video - got great feedback
    3. Not been able to get the amount of pledges as of yet but in the heat of it.
    4. We are working it hard, facebook twitter, emails, local press.

    Any suggestions?

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