My Indiegogo Campaign: A Fantasy Bestseller Translation
  • Ingrid_Wolf
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    My Indiegogo Campaign: A Fantasy Bestseller Translation

    by Ingrid_Wolf » Sat Apr 05, 2014 3:01 pm

    Hi everyone,

    Please have a look at my project, Richard Longarms: ... /x/6760990

    I have a question about my campaign that I think I may ask here, in a community of project creators. I never discuss this issue with my team and my supporters, as I have to be positive and inspire others, but it's been tormenting me for a week: what is wrong with my campaign? Why isn't the growing number of page views (I have Google Analytics to track them) converting into contributions?

    Before launch, I've studied the cases of successful fiction book projects on both Kickstarter and Indiegogo and tried to embed the best of their features. I'm offering tangible rewards for contributions starting with $5. I have a project video and a team of four. I do some marketing on social nets and relevant forums, reach out for bloggers with my press release. I keep posting updates - the last one was a new translated chapter of the book, the one before it was the video of the mysterious author revealing himself. My project never leaves the top-20 of most popular in the Writing category on Indiegogo ...But I got no new contributions at all this week! There are $525 from my friends I got last week, and that's all! What the culprit may be? Any crucial drawbacks in my presentation or the project itself? Or lack of marketing? Or absence of project art? May it be simply because of the fact that the author is Russian and I'm based in Ukraine, considering all that political stuff going around for the last months?

    Please let me know what you think. I really need each of your opinions.

  • jeanetmarie
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    Re: My Indiegogo Campaign: A Fantasy Bestseller Translation

    by jeanetmarie » Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:27 am

    Unfortunately, the events in the Ukraine might be having an impact on your project. Don't be discourages. You have time yet to make your goal. All the best. Cheers.

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