Launched This Morning - Am at 22% of Goal!
  • Jodie
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    Launched This Morning - Am at 22% of Goal!

    by Jodie » Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:55 pm

    Thanks to the helpful folks here on the Board, I pulled the rip cord on my campaign this morning and am already well on my way. Actually, make that "our" not "my."
    One of the things I did pre-launch was get the community, and possible backers, involved via Facebook. As I posted progress on getting ready, which involved pricing the clocks, freight from Germany, customs, etc., people kept posting how much they wanted one. I was able to make a couple of points: 1. It's a high-dollar item (no sticker shock at launch) and 2. We had to meet a minimum, so if you want a clock, spread the word. Thus "our"project.
    Immediately people shared my post when I announced the launch. Incredibly heart warming!
    I set April 21st as my end date because I'll be home between trips. And doing some research from here, it seems that nothing happens in the middle of campaigns anyway. It makes it look like I have reached 22% funding after 8 days, with 22 to go, but actually I'm at day 1. There's still a lot of planned promotion to do, including a list of about 40 people, many of whom don't do Facebook, who said they want to buy a clock. We'll see...
    Now I am not going to keep watching the dashboard. Pulling myself away. Going to out to play with the horses! (Okay, so I will take my phone with me to check emails. Can't help it!)

    Thanks again for the great guidance!

    Jodie ... ckoo-clock

  • Sland
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    Re: Launched This Morning - Am at 22% of Goal!

    by Sland » Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:53 pm

    That's fantastic! Half way there!
    I was wondering if these forums were helpful, but it sounds like you're speaking from experience when you say they are. Good to know.
    Hope you've been able to get some sleep between peeks at your dashboard!
  • marcdangerousworlds
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    Re: Launched This Morning - Am at 22% of Goal!

    by marcdangerousworlds » Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:00 pm

    I had a similar return on my gamebook kickstarter. My fear is that most of those contributors are directly or indirectly known to me. How are you tapping into the great mass of people out there. I'm doing all the forum, FB stuff but it feels a bit like chucking stuff out there and seeing what will stick.
  • Sland
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    Re: Launched This Morning - Am at 22% of Goal!

    by Sland » Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:20 pm

    Hey Jodie,
    Congrats on reaching your target! That's awesome!
    I'm not 100% sure how I'm going to go about it myself. I've got a few people involved, so I'll be tapping my social circle and theirs. Then I'm thinking of trying to get some blogs to talk about us. Honestly, I'm super busy with some PhD stuff right now (Crowdfunding a start up and doing a PhD at the same time.... sometimes you can't wait for that "perfect timing").
    I think I'll do a lot of chucking stuff out there and seeing what sticks though...
  • Jodie
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    Re: Launched This Morning - Am at 22% of Goal!

    by Jodie » Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:51 pm

    Update: Am at 108% with 12 days (of a 23 day campaign)
    In my case it has to do with the world in which I work: Quilters. And my product is an extremely unique item which speaks to what it is to be a quilter. So yes, FB is like throwing stuff out there and seeing what sticks, but the stickiness has to do with the product and the audience. Part of what I did that helped, was ask people questions about the product way before I launched. And I kept them updated as I got details about pricing. It's $380 so that way people had time to get used to the idea that it was that much $. And I could educate them as to why.

    Blogs are great! Research how to promote Kickstarter campaigns. There's a lot of good info out there. Some will be applicable, some not.

    Also, even though my campaign is a success and btw, easier than I thought, I am still devoting a lot of time to it. I consider it my job right now.

    best of luck!

  • fernandohsa
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    Re: Launched This Morning - Am at 22% of Goal!

    by fernandohsa » Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:26 am

    Congrats on reaching your target! That's awesome!

    I have launched my project and still got 25 days to go, got 5% backed so far :(.

    Many projects I see people start getting exposure even before having the campaign live maybe I should have done that :/ anyway lesson learnt and long way to go.

    Congrats again, cute project!
  • Jodie
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    Re: Launched This Morning - Am at 22% of Goal!

    by Jodie » Sat Apr 12, 2014 12:43 pm

    In my research I read many times that a first go-round was not a success. You know, the inevitable learning curve. So take heart, and keep at it!
  • noochiegolf
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    Re: Launched This Morning - Am at 22% of Goal!

    by noochiegolf » Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:38 pm


    just joined this Forum and read about your project. That's a really cute idea!! Good luck with it and anything you do in the future.

  • ForeverRoyalCC
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    Re: Launched This Morning - Am at 22% of Goal!

    by ForeverRoyalCC » Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:45 am

    Love the idea! Good luck with it and your future endeavors.
  • chadh1234
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    Re: Launched This Morning - Am at 22% of Goal!

    by chadh1234 » Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:57 pm

    Awesome way to go!! I am on day three and my funding is not going quite as well as yours, currently I am working on finding as many venues for promotion as possible. Good luck with your project!

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