Vaping or smoking?
  • Grutt
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    Re: Vaping or smoking?

    by Grutt » Thu Feb 03, 2022 1:09 pm

    I can't say definitively because I both smoke and vape. You could say that they are two different sports. Cigarettes have that classic tobacco taste and convenience. You just need a pack of cigarettes and a lighter; take it out and smoke. Also, it suits many people to smoke from an image standpoint. But the vape has more to offer today in terms of flavors. Cigarettes don't have that. I really enjoy trying different flavors from different manufacturers; look at this site to buy vapes at a bargain price. If it weren't for offers like this, I probably wouldn't even know about the different flavors

  • saul
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    Re: Vaping or smoking?

    by saul » Mon Aug 26, 2024 11:24 am

    I started smoking because of depression, and now I don't know how to quit. It's been really hard to break the habit. I could really use some lifehacks or tips from anyone who has successfully quit.
  • ystyle
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    Re: Vaping or smoking?

    by ystyle » Mon Aug 26, 2024 11:26 am

    It sounds like you're going through a tough time, and quitting smoking can definitely be challenging. One approach that might help is transitioning to vaping. Many people find it easier to quit smoking by switching to e-cigarettes first, as it helps to reduce nicotine cravings while still giving you a similar experience to smoking.

    Vaping is generally considered safer than smoking because it doesn't involve burning tobacco, which releases harmful chemicals like tar and carbon monoxide. Instead, e-cigarettes vaporize a liquid containing nicotine and other ingredients, which is less damaging to your lungs and overall health. I found a site with Pure Mist 10ml E-Liquid & Vape Juice, which might be a good option to start with. They offer various flavors and nicotine levels, so you can find something that works for you as you work on quitting smoking for good.
  • saul
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    Re: Vaping or smoking?

    by saul » Mon Sep 23, 2024 9:03 am

    Vaping for sure. Much better and healthier.
  • llimjoell
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    Re: Vaping or smoking?

    by llimjoell » Mon Sep 23, 2024 9:26 am

    For me, it feels like a healthier option, and I enjoy the variety of flavors available. Smoking always left me with that lingering smell and guilt, but with vaping, I can manage my cravings without the harshness.

    I recently checked out some products from, and they have a great selection. The convenience of vaping and being able to control my nicotine intake has made it much easier for me to enjoy the experience.
    Last edited by llimjoell on Fri Sep 27, 2024 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
  • saul
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    Re: Vaping or smoking?

    by saul » Tue Sep 24, 2024 7:13 pm

    I’ve found that vaping can be a decent alternative to smoking if you’re looking to cut down or quit altogether. It seems like it has fewer harmful chemicals, and you can choose your nicotine levels, which helps a lot. I used to smoke, and switching to vaping made it easier to manage cravings. But honestly, it’s not without its own risks, so I’d recommend looking into both options and seeing what feels right for you.

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