3 Negative Realities My Kickstarter Campaign Revealed to Me
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    Re: 3 Negative Realities My Kickstarter Campaign Revealed to Me

    by lux-noctis » Sun Dec 04, 2022 1:53 am

    Old a thread as this may be, there are a lot of interesting insights to be gleaned from it.

    If you go out searching, a lot of articles will recommend looking to friends and family as a first line of support. But, in my opinion, this is a very restrictive view of projects - and a very singleminded take on what an individual's own social dynamics might look like. Not every KS has a genuinely supportive family structure surrounding it. Not to mention the fact that not every campaign has universal appeal. I can certainly say that my aged grandmother would not be interested in purchasing 'eldritch horror tarot cards' for her own amusement. And, as zelphacomics pointed out, even if family members make claims about their desire to support a project, if people are not personally interested in the product it won't really matter if you're family or not. They simply won't buy in.

    This doesn't necessarily mean that the advice of looking to a social circle is bad - per-say. If anything, being part of, for example, an online community could lend a lot more credence to a project. If you were to market a campaign about a cool new tabletop while also having been an active community member in a tabletop RPG subreddit, you'd be a lot more likely to generate interest therein.

    It's simply that one should never take anything at face value. Unless the pledge has been made, their support is not yours. :(

  • IceWarriorTacGear
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    Re: 3 Negative Realities My Kickstarter Campaign Revealed to Me

    by IceWarriorTacGear » Wed Feb 22, 2023 3:25 pm

    Very true points I'm experiencing now.
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    Re: 3 Negative Realities My Kickstarter Campaign Revealed to Me

    by ReginaX » Wed Mar 15, 2023 12:22 am

    Thank you so much for sharing this experience, it is not easy when the people who mean so much to you are not supporting you the way you hoped for... but the key is to keep going regardless.

    Personally, I have not launched my campaign yet but I enjoy engaging with people on Instagram. I would look out for people who are interested in the product niche and who like my mission (for my campaign, it is to give people a feeling of warmth). One way to do this is Instagram's explore page - I'd search for hashtags that people use, engage with posts, and chat with people. I found that beautiful friendships can form out of nowhere - with strangers!

    To me, Kickstarter is more than a Crowdfunding Platform, even though this is my first time creating and launching a campaign.
    It's a way to connect with people, explore their likes and tastes, to get a conversation going. Your friends and family may not be part of the movement, that is their decision after all. However, I am sure there are many people around the world who would love to pledge. It's a matter of reaching them and showing them that you genuinely care for them - that you wish to benefit them with your campaign.

    I really appreciate that threat, and your campaign looks impressive to me. Keep your head up high and keep up the great work! :)
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    Re: 3 Negative Realities My Kickstarter Campaign Revealed to Me

    by bookenthusiast25 » Wed Jan 10, 2024 5:39 am

    I did fail the first project because I did not realize how much preparation was needed for a campaign to be successful, but I plan on relaunching. I have had an overwhelmingly positive experience. However, most of the negativity has come from spam and unpleasant people who messaged me on Kickstarter. Also, rallying friends and family around a project is not as easy as I thought it would be.
    I am working on a poetry book called Red Robins Sing in the Winter. It is not your typical poetry book because it has an overarching theme of perseverance, with each section of the poem being split up based on the four seasons: winter, autumn, summer, and spring. There are drawings to accompany some of the poems and each season will have its own art style. I'm raising money to get a good editor/proofreader, pay the illustrators and for marketing/advertising purposes. Plus, I don't want there to be typos or grammar errors.

    Sign up through my landing page to receive updates on the project.
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    Re: 3 Negative Realities My Kickstarter Campaign Revealed to Me

    by vgerdes14 » Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:48 pm

    Ive had a super hard time with the kickstarter campaign, and I totally agree with verbal support vs actual participation is more of the reaction I have received from family, friends, and community. Positive thinking I think is the best solution.
  • Miyakita
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    Re: 3 Negative Realities My Kickstarter Campaign Revealed to Me

    by Miyakita » Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:13 pm

    Thank you for sharing your valuable experience. I wish I had found everyone's advice sooner, but I learned a lot.
    I will also start a project soon.
    thank you!
    Product URL:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mi ... es-shippou

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