Stretch goals questions
  • Cre8ivegang
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    Stretch goals questions

    by Cre8ivegang » Sat Apr 20, 2024 12:55 pm

    Hello i hope everyone is going well. My business partner and I are launching a Kickstarter for our Manga/Anime Series Samurai Security Guard May 3rd.
    (Follow our pre launch page and let us know you did and we will follow you back!) ... QkD8DBOk_Q

    We created the story from scratch. 13 episodes written, 1st two fully scripted and now the manga is in the works.

    Our original goal will probably be a modest $2,5000. With our stretch goals being potentially at the $5,000,$7,500 and $10,000 and 20,000

    We were thinking $5,000 starting production on manga #2

    $7,500 for production of manga #3 and a data book.

    $10,000 covers the cost to produce manga #4

    $20,000 starts production on a pilot episode.

    As people who have been on Kickstarter and seen other projects does this seem reasonable for a base goal and stretch goals?

    Any advice would be appreciated thank you!
    Samurai Security Guard Logo
    Samurai Security Guard Logo
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