Credits of relatives
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    Credits of relatives

    by serenity007 » Tue Feb 21, 2023 4:21 pm

    Do you think my son has to pay off his mother's loans? Several years ago my mother-in-law took out loans from different banks. At first, she paid, then she stopped... Now several banks are suing her. Some of them are paying, some are accumulating penalties and it has been like this for over a year. Every month she calls and asks for money: says she needs it urgently, today is the last day of payment, and I was on sick leave/vacation/the apartment payment was raised, etc. She does not admit what she took credit for, she categorically refuses to do it. She starts crying and doesn't say anything. She lives in miserable conditions, although her salary is normal for her town... Her husband does not refuse her and does not want to find out what she borrowed the money for. He says it is easier for him. I'm afraid that in a year she will call and say: "They are taking away our apartment for debts, give me about 200 thousand rubles...". And the interesting thing is that she keeps taking out loans. Where that money goes - I don't know... Tell me, maybe I'm greedy. But I don't seem to feel sorry for the money: if she said: buy me an iron, for instance, or add some more, I'll change the sink, I wouldn't mind... But as it is, I get the impression that I am being lied to all the time, and I am constantly waiting for the next attack from her.

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    Re: Credits of relatives

    by AmaDeY1993 » Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:26 pm

    It's such a strange story. I don't think you're greedy. I'm on your side in this situation. No one should have to keep trying to get a man out of a debt hole that he has driven himself into. If the person at least realized that and asked for help, maybe it would be worth it, but this way she not only ruins her life, but yours as well. I once had to take out a loan to pay off my husband's other loan. I was lucky that had low interest rates, because I had to pay it all myself because of the divorce.
  • JessicaMarshall
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    Re: Credits of relatives

    by JessicaMarshall » Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:31 pm

    No one should help her. It's not your problem.

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