Reaching a niche market with limited marketing budget
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    Reaching a niche market with limited marketing budget

    by » Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:43 pm

    Hi everyone, would love to hear everyone's thoughts and experience on launching a first-time KS campaign with a limited paid media/ad budget. Our campaign is almost a week in but pledges have tapered off after the first day: ... tta-pouch/

    The product is a hands-free pouch that stores dog waste and actively eliminates odors, taking the stress (and smell) out of picking up after dogs. It's been a game-changer for me personally when walking, hiking or otherwise adventuring outside with my dog, and will make life for many dog owners easier, not to mention keep public spaces clean from dog waste. Outside of our limited network of friends & family, we're having trouble reaching potential backers, and word of mouth has not moved the needle too much. Two email newsletters by NewBacker and BackerLand yielded very disappointing reach & conversions. I've reached out to local media outlets and dog/hiking groups, also with limited results. Part of the challenge is that our product is fairly niche, requires a time investment for customers to understand the value prop, and could be difficult to perceive the benefits without actually using the product. Would welcome any insights or advice on how to reignite the campaign in its remaining few weeks.


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