Well, nonprofits don’t exactly make money, because by definition it’s a non-profit.
However, make no mistake, by collection donations cash IS changing hands. The main reason that nonprofits FAIL is because they haven’t mastered how to actually make money.
This is a controversial stance, but stay with me. You see, nonprofits exist for sorely needed reasons. There is a gap in the programs that the government or other organizations are providing and a nonprofit steps in to help with that problem.
Nonprofits can help to solve dire causes that no one else is caring to fix. It’s very noble work, and usually, the people who founded the organization is extremely passionate, compassionate, and driven to help these individuals.
Here’s where the problem sets in.
Read the full article here:
https://www.crowdcrux.com/how-to-start- ... ake-money/
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