The competition is _so_ damned tough and there’s so much of it, with most ‘marketers’ selling the same services.
Want to use that knowledge, experience and expertise in a different way - a way that just might pay off big?
Check out some of these campaigns, the money they’re making and the negative comments and feedback most of them recieve: Click on their ‘Comments/Feedback/Discussion’ link.
I’m looking for a marketing partner for a great new campaign I’ve been developing and is about ready to go. I’m not looking to hire a marketing firm, consultant or marketing agency, I know most of them. I’m looking for a serious, seasoned, marketing entrepreneur / partner more interested in a payoff than a pay check. One savvy enough to recognize that 60 - 90 days of steady, collaborative work could earn more than 2 years of spotty jobs. And who is ready, willing and able to keep his nose to the grindstone and not let up on promoting one of _the_ most appealing, innovative projects to come along in a long time for a payoff that just might surprise you!
Here’s my LinkedIn profile -
If interested and qualified please get in touch and let’s see if there’s a fit.