A WARNING...and a sad story. Don't work with Crowdco.co...
  • buildingsguy
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    Re: A WARNING...and a sad story. Don't work with Crowdco.co...

    by buildingsguy » Thu Aug 26, 2021 11:30 pm

    James Hill of campaigndoor and now targetedpeak.com, (and doubtless others) obviously changes his heading as he cons his way through this place, he offers money back guarantee backing but does absolutely nothing, i was lucky i paid via paypal so am protected and i kept all his promises emails to back my claim, so never pay be transfers or with your cards to these people, they will take your money and run, i have run 20 projects now and all have been successes and only once have a tired this paying for marketting and i wont do it ever again, use the social media places like facebook etc to reach people and build your own contacts, it takes time but you dont get ripped off in the meantime, backekit and other specialized platforms can help too, but spam emails are for the trash can, these people are cancer and i am not beyond wishing them bad things

  • buildingsguy
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    Re: A WARNING...and a sad story. Don't work with Crowdco.co...

    by buildingsguy » Thu Aug 26, 2021 11:35 pm

    James Hill of campaigndoor and now targetedpeak.com, (and doubtless others) obviously changes his heading as he cons his way through this place, he offers money back guarantee backing but does absolutely nothing, i was lucky i paid via paypal so am protected and i kept all his promises emails to back my claim, so never pay be transfers or with your cards to these people, they will take your money and run, i have run 20 projects now and all have been successes and only once have a tired this paying for marketting and i wont do it ever again, use the social media places like facebook etc to reach people and build your own contacts, it takes time but you dont get ripped off in the meantime, backekit and other specialized platforms can help too, but spam emails are for the trash can, these people are cancer and i am not beyond wishing them bad things

    as for the squirming above from the people that ripped you off, we dont come here to make posts unless we are angry, it never fails to amaze me that when we bite back how you people react as if you are gods angels, i am not religious or believe in god but lets be clear if he does exist you guys wont be meeting him, there is another place you will reside

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