What is your dream and why?
  • FatalMoonManga
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by FatalMoonManga » Thu Feb 18, 2021 4:10 pm

    My dream is to create a Yaoi manga that is more complex and deeper in meaning than a regular Yaoi that only has a few volumes. I want people to think while they enjoy my title in addition to enjoying, other aspects of it as well.
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fa ... =user_menu

  • misheodesign
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by misheodesign » Wed Mar 24, 2021 11:25 pm

    I make illustrated art scarves that feature unique and beautiful flora and fauna. I would like to raise awareness for preserving biodiversity. My dream is to be established enough to make and solid impact. I would also love to collaborate with various wildlife organizations to raise awareness for endangered animals. :)
    The Endangered Collection Kickstarter Project: https://bit.ly/2PrlHMZ
    Official website: www.misheo.com
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by FederikFer » Sat Mar 27, 2021 11:42 pm

    my dream is just to become a happy person! to have a family and a lovely house)
  • rjcrowart
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by rjcrowart » Sun May 23, 2021 2:30 am

    I just want to create, and make a living from creating, even if it's not a luxurious lifestyle.

    In hard times, awesome stories in comics and video games helped me through traumatic experiences. Now I want to create those experiences for others as a way to give back. Also I just like making comics and games. It's the only thing I can do
  • virtualpalondon
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by virtualpalondon » Fri May 28, 2021 6:32 am

    Hi, I am Hannah Collins. I have gained over 12 years of experience within the Financial Sector. My dream is to become a number one virtual assistant company in London.
  • Sibelle
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by Sibelle » Fri Jul 23, 2021 10:12 pm

    2 major dreams (well 3) at the moment:

    1. to being able to print my tarot cards (looks discouraging since my 2nd kickstarter is not taking off either)
    2. Move to London UK asap ( I was there already and got scammed and lost of all my money so had to return to the USA...so yeah also a bit deflated now)
    3. Find finally a partner that I invision (not too encouraged either)

    so yeah I think I need a hug! :(

    I thought my campaign will help at least me being able to kick it off and able to sell my art....
  • Mahjong
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by Mahjong » Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:03 am

    Would like to invest in real estate eventually. Maybe travel around the world with the wife once things become a bit more financially stable. Couldn't hurt right? :lol:
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by annalivan » Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:32 am

    The survey represents a classic survey technique, carried out in a determined time interval with the help of a questionnaire. Suppose we want to know how many of the inhabitants of a country are also consumers of a particular product. In that case, we can use a complete survey of census type, in which all the inhabitants of the respective land will be interviewed. Last night I had a dream in which I was in a poll like this, and someone seemed to start coming out with Astral Projection CIA demons, and the girl wanted to do everything the way he wanted. It seemed a bit strange to me.
  • spastastica
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by spastastica » Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:50 pm

    Dream to have a home and need 10000 for down payment and closing costs https://gofund.me/38144072
  • hmalloy001
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by hmalloy001 » Thu Dec 09, 2021 12:10 am

    My dream and now my purpose in life is to help as many people live their best lives through my training, coaching and writing.

    You see, I was a child of abuse, in a life that didn't allow me to play outside, or learn the proper social skills needed to function in society without anxiety or be able to maintain any close bonds with trust in my relationships.

    I was that person who always wondered why no one liked me or wanted me to be around.

    I had so many dreams and desires but felt like I wasn't enough of a person to accomplish any of those dreams... deep down, I knew that I had to seek out help in order to learn the skills necessary to be able to keep and maintain my relationships, as well as find the confidence within myself in order to meet those people.

    I have learned so many things down that road to discovery, which includes having the confidence to put myself out there and asking for what I want.

    I realized that I wanted to be able to help others discover their own strengths and build their own confidence mindset so that they can also achieve their dreams and goals in life. I want to help as many people as possible to be able to live everyday with happiness, confidence and peace within themselves!!

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