Indiegogo is Testing a New Insurance Option for Backers
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    Indiegogo is Testing a New Insurance Option for Backers

    by therriaultk » Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:07 pm

    Sometimes crowdfunding is an amazing thing. It leads to new ideas, easier ways of doing things, and gives people access to funding for their dream projects. It can also have a negative side, like when projects don’t deliver or are outright frauds (a risk most backers are aware of). Indiegogo allows just about any project on the platform (unlike Kickstarter); some have criticized them for leaving up fake-looking campaigns. Currently Indiegogo is testing a new insurance option for backers to help them feel more secure supporting projects on the platform.

    This features is being tested on one campaign so far – Olive, a stress management device that has raised over $177K. For an additional $15 backers can buy product insurance and if they don’t receive their reward within 3 months after the expected date they can claim it and get a refund.

    This change is coming about a month after the company asked visitors of its site to complete a brief survey on trustworthiness. Clearly with a number of successful campaigns that didn’t come through this year Indiegogo is trying to improve their reputation and make things better for people who use the platform.

    Read the full article on CrowdfundingPR! ... n-backers/

    What do you think of Indiegogo offering insurance on rewards?

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    Re: Indiegogo is Testing a New Insurance Option for Backers

    by DeEva » Wed Aug 26, 2020 5:41 am

    Thanks for sharing. Indeed, it is very important to feel yourself protected and insured. Frankly speaking, I also had an unpleasant experience with the Kickstarter, when I met with the fraud and just threw money down the drain. To tell the truth, after this situation, I was afraid to participate in such events and gatherings. Indeed, I am very shy and distrustful, I'm afraid of everything and always double-check everything a hundred times. More than all, I even applied for help with life and health insurance for all possible criteria for a long time So, after that, I began to live more calmly.
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    Re: Indiegogo is Testing a New Insurance Option for Backers

    by palumanic » Tue Aug 31, 2021 9:09 am

    Mandatory insurance appeared in the 1920s in America, and over time has become common practice in almost all European countries. The car owner enters into a contract with an insurance company on the terms defined by the state. Suppose the driver is involved in an accident and is found guilty. In that case, the insurance company is obliged to compensate the damages to the victims of this accident. Sometimes both drivers are at fault in an accident. Then compensation is paid to both parties. Payments are made in proportion to the degree of guilt - that is, if the drivers are equally at fault, the compensation payments will be the same. I recently purchased a new insurance policy, read the progressive insurance reviews about it, and was very happy with my choice of the auto insurance company.

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