What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaign?
  • lizzybobrova
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaign?

    by lizzybobrova » Fri Nov 15, 2019 8:10 am

    Hey! We launched a project on Kickstarter this week and didn’t get as much backers as we were going to. I am so upset now and really want to understand what is the problem and learn something from it

    I found that you’re a professional backer and you opinion about our campaign will really help me. May you please answer some questions about it?

    1. How do you like the BruBruBrush appearance?
    2. Do you understand the value of it, why it’s great? Is it obvious?
    3. Do you want to have it? If no, please tell me why?

    Here’s our link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/br ... for-50-sec

    Thank you so much! I’ll be very glad if you may help me to understand my problem

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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaign?

    by Zwuits inc. » Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:33 am

    As we are on the verge of launching our very first campaign, we are excited to see the technicalities we have identified actually work or not. We have had a thorough research prior to the campaign and worked as per the knowledge. Hopefully I would edit this reply with a thank you note. I have read the the above comments and they have alligned with our thoughts mostly. Now, let's see what is working and what should be left off. Thank you.

    Please follow our campaign.

    Toxic-Chemical Free Leather Bag | Zwuits

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/zw ... 5pJH03rZsU

    You can access our referral system.
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaign?

    by nomlinz » Tue Nov 26, 2019 10:42 pm

    From a recent launch, I learned that there's a way to get leads that are 12x more likely to become a backer!

    Typically, you’ll see 3-5% of an email list convert into a backer by the end of your campaign. That’s quite low compared to the effort you’ll have to put in to even build the email list.

    This all changes today.

    How Move Found Leads 12x More Likely To Become A Backer
    With this problem of finding the most qualified leads in mind, we knew that we wanted to build a funnel that helps determine how likely people are to buy. Simply put, we set out to find people with the highest purchase intent.

    This is how we did it:

    Facebook/Instagram Ad
    A person clicks on a Facebook/Instagram ad and is taken to a landing page.

    Landing Page Signup
    On the landing page, the main call-to-action is to give us their email address so they can get notified when we launch.

    This is where the typical lead generation funnel for crowdfunding ends. We took it one step further.

    $1 Reservation Payment
    After the person has given their email, we then make an offer for them to put down a $1 deposit to reserve the membership at the best discount and early access to the project.

    Move Insiders Facebook Group
    If they put down the $1 deposit, then they are invited into the closed Move Insiders Facebook Group. Here, group members had direct access to incredible Move content as well as live AMAs with the founder. This group proved to be an incredible place to foster community before launch and test out any of our lingering ideas.

    Launch Day Results That Completely Blew Us Away
    We weren’t exactly sure what to expect on Launch Day: how would people who placed a $1 deposit differ from those who did not place a $1 deposit?

    What happened next was completely shocking...

    Read the rest of Move's story on the blog: https://crushcrowdfunding.com/how-move- ... aunch-day/
    Hi! I run the popular blog Crush Crowdfunding and have helped people successfully raise over $7 million on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Get the proven step-by-step system to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign: http://bit.ly/crushcfhandbook
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaign?

    by ditriemariebowie » Wed Nov 27, 2019 8:22 pm

    So far I'm learning that networking is everything. Well, that and taking off my creative hat and putting on my salesperson hat. It's my least favorite hat. But it's pushing me to go outside of myself and my own head and to look, instead, at how others view my work. All in all, not a terrible exercise.
  • linanuuk
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaign?

    by linanuuk » Wed Feb 12, 2020 7:52 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I just joined the community as I wanted to share a free event I've put together a Virtual Crowdfunding conference with Kickstarter focus that is free and speakers include:
    • Successful past Kickstarter campaigns,
      Head of Design from Kickstarter,
      Account Manager from Facebook,
    and more. I wanted it to cover all the things that are needed to think about before, during and after campaign. There is a lot of information out there that is fairly segmented and some outdated, so the idea is to have added-value content for all future creators.

    Anyone can register and it seemed very relevant to this board - indirectly. And if you cannot attend due to time zone, you will get the recording. Feel free to share with anyone.

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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaign?

    by nomlinz » Thu May 14, 2020 9:44 am

    Marketing Marketing Marketing

    Ok, so given the product is a good idea that fills a gap in the market, then the next most important thing is for it to have the attention it deserves!

    And for this, the PRE-LAUNCH part is crucial. Most of the work to get those backers to come from this time. That's when the effort and time have to be invested. That is when you will find your audience.

    Here are the 7 steps I've learned that creators must follow to succeed in crowdfunding:

    1. Define your goal.
    2. Do the research.
    3. Find an audience.
    4. Conduct a pre-launch.
    5. Create a converting project page.
    6. Bring more visitors to your page.
    7. Keep your backers invested.

    To learn more about each one, you can head to the blog: https://crushcrowdfunding.com/launch-su ... indiegogo/
    Hi! I run the popular blog Crush Crowdfunding and have helped people successfully raise over $7 million on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Get the proven step-by-step system to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign: http://bit.ly/crushcfhandbook
  • SpaceArchitects
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaign?

    by SpaceArchitects » Thu May 14, 2020 1:42 pm

    It sounds kinda extremely, but I've basically learned everything about running a company by running a Kickstarter. I've probably forgotten a few things but I've learned how to:

    - Create a community before launch
    - Market the product/project during the campaign
    - Branding: choosing the right logo, company colors, etc
    - Finances (taxes, VAT, etc): when calculating markup for the rewards
    - Strategize how the company should be formed by using feedback from backers
    - Hire the right team and surround yourself with great people
    - Raise funds for production, development, and operations

    I believe Kickstarter is a one-stop for everything you need to start a business. But as we all know, it's a lot of hard work...

    Here's my current project called 'LUNARK - Building and Testing a Moon Home for Everyone': https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sa ... ref=elynbv
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaign?

    by nomlinz » Fri May 22, 2020 5:34 am

    These are all great answers and reflections.
    Connecting is definitely one of the most important parts of running a crowdfunding campaign, or even better, the pre-launch.

    The most important lessons I've personally learned are:
    • 1. Offer value. Your idea has to be good, has to solve a problem, has to offer something that the competition doesn't, some variation.
      2. Creating a loyal audience. Target marketing is so important because not everyone in the world is comfortable giving money for a product that doesn't exist yet. So creators are better off creating ads for audiences who are already interested in crowdfunding campaigns and new products.
      3. Email list, email list, email list. Having a landing page and nurturing the relationship with the people who give you their email is what can make or break a campaign. These are the people who have shown the most real interest in following up with your idea.

    I hope these learnings are useful for new creators out there! :)
    Hi! I run the popular blog Crush Crowdfunding and have helped people successfully raise over $7 million on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Get the proven step-by-step system to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign: http://bit.ly/crushcfhandbook
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaign?

    by SystHub » Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:44 pm

    I learned some years ago that:
    Crowdfunding platforms bring you about 10% (25% if you are lucky) of backers — all the rest is up to you.
    Never start a crowdfunding without having a good audience.
    Crowdfunding has to be planned at least 6 month before (even 1 or 2 years if you have not a strong audience and followers)

    Using different strategies can make the difference by creating an “high responsive” community, like:
    • Referral Campaigns
    • Help journalists or bloggers to their upcoming stories (and get a quote)
    • Post viral contents
    • Use social bots to automate some posts and following
    • Distribute your press release to media outlets’ newsrooms
    S Y S T H U B
    we help crowdfundings for free
    CHECK IT HERE: hsy.st/5KGKafD
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaign?

    by kwmlr439 » Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:56 pm

    Listen to the crowd! It's important to be transparent and talk to your backers at all time. These are the same people, who will either make you, or break you moving forward! We backed a project lately for "SuperCalla" cables and during the survey everyone got a notice from backer kit to (PAY MORE) for upgrades and there is no other options to get your reward without paying more. The entire 39K backers are so pissed off. Worst is that SuperCalla either hired two stooges to bully people on the Kickstarter board or those people actually are super call. I think it's the latter because they are answering every single comment and know more about the company than the company itself. Anyways, don't be a SuperCalla lol
    Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
    Upcoming campaign:
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pa ... erformance

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