100% Funded in under 10 days.
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    Re: 100% Funded in under 10 days.

    by nomlinz » Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:46 pm

    Hey annemariet -

    Congratulations on your first 30 backers! Now it's all about getting the word out there even more for your project:
    - conduct some cross promotions with other campaigns out there. These are mutual shoutouts with other pages on crowdfunding.
    - leverage those 30 early backers (your superfans) and get them in on a referral program. Consider using kickbooster.me to offer them a financial incentive to share. Here's a step-by-step case study of how one campaign did this: https://crushcrowdfunding.com/get-free-traffic-and-more-backers-with-a-referral-program/ Alternatively, you can also offer reward prizes if you'd like.
    - outreach every single day to people who might want your product or want to write about your product. One nifty trick is to reverse search who wrote about other successful campaigns in your same niche. Look on Kickstarter and find a similar, successful campaign. Copy the link of one of their image. Paste it in the Google Image search. Google will spit out every blog or news outlet that wrote about them. Outreach to those places since they clearly are already interested in this same type of product, they'll most likely want to cover your project too!

    Some additional ideas:
    - there's a lot of rewards on your page, consider streamlining to the most popular ones (there are a few on the page no one has backed yet). Too many rewards can cause "choice paralysis" and can deter people from backing. Think about going to the store, sometimes when there are too many versions of that blueberry jam, you just decide you don't want any because you just can't decide.
    - think about whether there are ways you can increase the average order value of each of your backers (to boost up the $ amount on your page from dedicated backers already). People love shopping from places they know and love and trust. If you give them a compelling reason to spend more with you, they'll be more than happy to! Are there any add-ons or promotions you can send ONLY to backers? Offer a special reward as an "upsell". A second lash binder for a small percentage off? Annual supply for less than they'd get anywhere else? The world is your oyster here.

    Best of luck!

    Hi! I run the popular blog Crush Crowdfunding and have helped people successfully raise over $7 million on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Get the proven step-by-step system to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign: http://bit.ly/crushcfhandbook

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