Need new ideas to bring in backers for my Game!
  • Tinystuffz
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    Need new ideas to bring in backers for my Game!

    by Tinystuffz » Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:20 pm

    Hi guys! I am currently trying to Kickstart my Point and Click Adventure Game, Theropods.


    We started our project on the 9th July and we are at 52% now with 15 days remaining. I feel like we should be further than that by now :?

    We've been tweeting a lot, posting on facebook, instagram, reddit and writing in forums. We've been on Kickstarter's front page and in their gaming newsletter which helped a lot! 1 week before our Kickstarter went live we contacted press with presskits and amongst others, Forbes, PC Gamer and The Escapist have all written about us. However there are a lot more people out there that I am sure would be interested in backing us but I don't know how to find them!

    If anyone has any ideas on how we can reach more people we'd greatly appreciate that! ... -dinosaurs

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    Re: Need new ideas to bring in backers for my Game!

    by Vilius » Mon Jul 29, 2019 10:58 am

    Hi Tinystuffz,

    Looks like you've done a great job so far! Congrats! Is there any reason why you've set a goal of €20k? I think it would have been better to set the goal of €10k. By now you'd have 100% funded, which would attract those backers who still doubt about it. I always encourage setting a lower goal than you really need, unless you are 100% sure you won't do this project if you don't reach your goal.

    Getting back to your original question, have you tried contacting influencers in your area? If Forbes, PC Gamer and The Escapist have written about you, it will be much easier to outreach influencers. You can offer them a % from the orders they generate. You can track that by creating unique Kickstarter URLs for each influencer.

    You can also message your current backers and offer them a pledge upgrade or (if they are happy with the current level) you may ask for recommendation. There's a great way to encourage recommendations and get new leads by using a Referral Marketing Software (e.g. You could send an email for your mailing list and those, who recommend the most will get certain prizes from you. Referral marketing software will help you manage this. I know a guy who used this strategy for his book launched and it worked very well.

    Finally, have you considered running Facebook ads? Not sure if that would work in your case, but if you have a limited time and need fast result, you could try running ads with a small budget (e.g. 100 EUR).

    Download a free bonus "150+ Useful Tools to Maximise Your Kickstarter Campaign" here:

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