Correct way to link to your project, to use in ads
  • Alex Toucheys
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    Correct way to link to your project, to use in ads

    by Alex Toucheys » Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:14 am

    Hi guys, I've noticed an interesting thing. So mobile is prevailing platform these days, right?

    If I use direct link to my Kickstarter project from my website/ad/social media - and someone clicks it on mobile - it opens project page with Pledges loading by default, as the first page.

    Knowing the attention span of the audiences today, half of them may not choose to click "Campaign" to actually read what's more on the page. Hence high bounce rate.

    On the other hand - if I add the /description / at the end of the link, it does switch to the Campaign mode BUT it also SCROLLS DOWN to the start of the Campaign on the mobile screen - so skipping your project title and video...

    A bit of Loose-loose situation here... Is there a way to link, so that mobile user opens your project on the Video, but while scrolling down - sees the Campaign first?

    Much thanks for any thoughts!

    My first ever Kickstarter project :)) Are you into mindfulness and meditation?
  • Fromthegroundup2018
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    Re: Correct way to link to your project, to use in ads

    by Fromthegroundup2018 » Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:23 am

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    Re: Correct way to link to your project, to use in ads

    by Cristina » Sun Nov 04, 2018 8:39 am

    This post has been moved to the Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Questions Only (Strict) section.
    Forum Moderator.
    Site Owner: Salvador Briggman

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