So to those that donated to Harry Knowles's kickstarter....
  • thunder_storm
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    Re: So to those that donated to Harry Knowles's kickstarter.

    by thunder_storm » Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:59 pm

    Sooooo, why didn't he use his site's income to fund the project?

    Also, as mentioned, he had serious IRS trouble. His site has supposedly been doing pretty poorly. I fail to see how he could fix hundreds of thousands in tax debt, keep his site alive and then buy a car, all from the site's profits. If he can do all of that, why does he need the money for this? Why didn't he need the money when he made it the first time? Why doesn't he have a solid plan for where the money is going?

    There are far more questions than answers, and that speaks dubiously of the entire endeavor.

  • RPatrick
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    Re: So to those that donated to Harry Knowles's kickstarter.

    by RPatrick » Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:15 pm

    I didn't mean to give the impression that I was defending the Fat Man. I wasn't. However, what I brought up is almost certainly how he will defend himself if any kind of legal questions arose about his potential fraud.
  • covjack
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    Re: So to those that donated to Harry Knowles's kickstarter.

    by covjack » Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:03 pm

    RPatrick wrote:Does him doing the kickstarter and then going out and buying a 20k car constitute a fraud? He can always just say he bought the car with his income from the site.

    True, there is no obvious fraud here. In fact, I doubt there is fraud at all. I believe Harry will deliver on some sort of Season's clear he enjoys doing it and he would be an idiot to simply walk away. Will Season 2 cost what he raised? I'm sure the numbers will add up, whatever that means.

    But in the long run he is really hurting himself. Buying a brand-new SUV is a ridiculous move on his part, regardless of how he funded it (I love how he points out on Twitter that it's financed for 60 months, as if that makes it perfectly fine). You don't go to the public pleading your financial need and then buy a brand-new car. Period. Even with a substantial down payment, the SUV he bought is one I couldn't afford, and I make a decent enough living. What this purchase shows is that Knowles is still a man-child with no sense of responsibility, accountability, or wisdom.

    Nobody is begrudging the man's need for transportation. But if he had taken to Twitter to show the purchase of a decent, reliable used car nobody would be bothered. I may sound judgmental there, but I'm sorry--new cars are purchased either by people who are 1) in very solid financial shape, or 2) extremely gullible and stupid. And neither of those categories is someone you would feel willing to help out in any way again. I hope that sticks with folks.
  • thunder_storm
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    Re: So to those that donated to Harry Knowles's kickstarter.

    by thunder_storm » Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:40 am

    So does anyone have any updates on this? Has anyone received anything, or does anyone know anyone else that has?

    I noticed on the KS page that they state items will be RECEIVED -- not shipped -- by the end of the month. This update was posted on January 10th.

    I also find it suspect that they are private messaging people instead of posting updates so that every backer can get information. PMs make me think people are getting different information.
  • The Teachinator
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    Re: So to those that donated to Harry Knowles's kickstarter.

    by The Teachinator » Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:34 pm

    Hi I backed at $100 and have received nothing. Very upsetting as it seems that all the naysayers are correct. Has anyone received anything?
  • loganprometheus
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    Re: So to those that donated to Harry Knowles's kickstarter.

    by loganprometheus » Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:57 pm

    Looks like since September 5, there have been zero updates, and the KS comment section is filled with questions from people who have not received anything they were promised. A post from Harry on January 10th claims all rewards should be received by the end of January, yet so far no one has claimed to have received anything, nor has anyone reported what information these supposed "private" messages from Harry have contained. Harry also claims they have already been filming, which is odd because some of the rewards included being an audience member in the show.

    In other words, no evidence of any kind exists yet on anyone receiving any rewards. The only evidence of anyone receiving anything from this KS is Harry's new SUV.
  • thunder_storm
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    Re: So to those that donated to Harry Knowles's kickstarter.

    by thunder_storm » Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:59 pm

    Well, looks like Harry and co. are in trouble again.

    "BWP Media, otherwise known as Pacific Coast News, has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against news site Ain't it Cool and its proprietor Harry Knowles. BWP is a highly litigious celebrity photo agency that has brought numerous copyright lawsuits over the past couple of years. The lawsuit against Ain't It Cool alleges that photos were used without license. The subject of the photos appears to be Will Ferrell and Christina Applegate on the set of the latest Anchorman film." ... uit-682791
    (scroll down for story)

    Who knows what will come of this but I can guarantee Harry will use it as some kind of excuse.

    He's also doing less and less with his website with each passing week. You'd think if he were actually working on his kickstarter-funded project there would be lots of news about it from Harry.
  • thunder_storm
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    Re: So to those that donated to Harry Knowles's kickstarter.

    by thunder_storm » Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:32 am

    Come September 5th, it will be one year since Harry Knowles' campaign was successfully funded.

    There are still people complaining about not receiving rewards or even replies about their rewards. There has been no footage released and no updates recently. There are no release dates for his show. The Facebook page for his show has been taken down.

    Is there anything that can be done about this? Can Kickstarter send emails to backers requesting information on whether or not they've received what they were promised? Or at least post a link on his kickstarter page requesting information? Can anyone officially investigate this? Can legal action be taken? Is there a cutoff date as far as having something to show for all of the money he was given?

    I fear that this is going to have repercussions for people thinking of backing future campaigns, which is a shame since Kickstarter has proven to be such a great platform for aspiring artists.

    I hope Kickstarter institutes some feedback policy. At least that would keep the same people from trying to get campaigns funded twice or more.

  • BrandonWade
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    Re: So to those that donated to Harry Knowles's kickstarter.

    by BrandonWade » Sun Oct 05, 2014 3:43 pm

    So it's been over a year since this was funded and since there were any official updates posted. Harry refuses to answer anyone on his site.

    Very shady.

    Even if the episodes have been filmed, they will be horribly outdated.

    The fact that he asked for $100k for a Youtube show where he doesn't even get out of his seat should have been a tipoff. Majorly successful channels do this kind of thing on a weekly basis for free.

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