Any tips from someone more experienced with Indigogo?
  • Weston
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    Any tips from someone more experienced with Indigogo?

    by Weston » Sun Jul 15, 2018 7:14 am

    Hello, My name is Weston and I am new to crowdfunding. I started a business with a friend not too long ago and we decided to go the crowdfunding route to get capital for our startup business Cherry. Cherry is a longboarding company that strives to give the rider a premium longboard with one of a kind deck art that inspires them to go farther and go faster. We work with local artists to make one of a kind deck art that we can put on our high-quality longboard decks.

    You can find the campaign at

    I have been working pretty hard on figuring out how to make this campaign work. Does anyone have any ideas for improving my campaign? Also aside from the obvious (social media and forums) does anyone have creative ideas for marketing a product like this?


    Cherry Bomb |
    Longboarding company focused on showing off local art and bringing together a community of longboarders.
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    Re: Any tips from someone more experienced with Indigogo?

    by hyperstarter » Sat Jul 21, 2018 8:55 pm

    I've got some quick comments. In your video you talk about the 3 main factors that you're about - community, art and longboards.

    The campaign hasn't got much traction, but you've identified 3 groups who you could target and reach out to.

    For community, just using your longboards in the skateparks should get a lot of interest. Get noticed, talk to them and give out your IGG url.

    For Art, contact art groups and even your artist networks to get the word out better. Art galleries, local press are useful too.

    Longboards, again this connects with what you know already. Distributors, skate groups, board shops etc., can all help you get the word out better.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Weston
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    Re: Any tips from someone more experienced with Indigogo?

    by Weston » Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:12 pm

    Thanks! Some good ideas we have done a couple of those things but I'll definitely try some of the others.
    Cherry Bomb |
    Longboarding company focused on showing off local art and bringing together a community of longboarders.
  • canopyhats
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    Re: Any tips from someone more experienced with Indigogo?

    by canopyhats » Thu Apr 18, 2019 4:49 am

    I agree with this advice - hope the rest of the campaign went well!

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