Trying not to give to much away in the campaign!!
  • AfterPartyFilms
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    Trying not to give to much away in the campaign!!

    by AfterPartyFilms » Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:17 pm

    Hey guys! My name is Spencer from After Party Films, and we just launched our first Kickstarter campaign! We are attempting to raise money for a short film. When we were preparing to launch, we did a lot of research into other film Kickstarters to see what worked, and what didn't.

    After viewing pages worth of kickstarters, there was one thing that kept bothering us about each project: They told EVERYTHING about the story in their video and description. This works really well with a product campaign, but with film there still has to be some of that magic of watching it for the first time. If not, you are just making a product, something to be digested and forgotten about.

    With our campaign we tried really hard to poke fun at other Kickstarters, giving the tone of our film with a teaser, but most importantly not spoiling the movie!! We are trying to still respect the audience of the film by not giving it away, but we also need to get it made in the first place. If you guys are tired of seeing the entire story laid out before you ever see it, then please consider helping fund our campaign :)

    Would really love to hear your guys' feedback about this.

    Thank you,
    After Party Films

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    Re: Trying not to give to much away in the campaign!!

    by Cristina » Tue Jul 31, 2018 6:42 am

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    Re: Trying not to give to much away in the campaign!!

    by RFIDsecur » Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:18 am

    At risk of getting shot down in flames...

    Simply by describing your film in the pitch is only giving it away to the people you need to understand it, who'll back it to fund it so you can turn it in to the blockbuster movie experience you'd like it to be.
    Kickstarter backers are the simply the equivalent of hollywood film backers, people with money that bank role these blockbusters, whom you tout your script, the film premise to, to get the funding to make the movie.

    Yes they know the script, the plot, the everything but are they really who you should be worried about? You have 11 backers, at your current rate you need 55.

    Far better 55 know the film inside and out if it gets you backed to show it to the millions who haven't a clue?

    Time to get off the artistic high horse and step into the world of business reality which, is all this is at the end of the day,

    If you want to make it special for the 55 who have had their experience spoiled for life, you could send them a special directors cut, with out takes.. ? No way they would have seen that...

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