Pocketify - Kickstarter launch is coming soon
  • Shroomers88
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    Pocketify - Kickstarter launch is coming soon

    by Shroomers88 » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:44 pm

    Hi everyone!

    My name is Mark and I am the founder of Pocketify, a brand that can be taken seriously or not  It's actually the positioning of our brand, offering clothes with pockets from the most serious to the craziest!

    Our product is mainly the pocket design. We will offer several thematic collections focused on golf, tennis, conventional fabric designs and various crazy pocket designs like King Kong attacked by the Millenium Falcon, Neymar eating his noodle hair with chopsticks, the Silver Surfer on a Tostitos surfing a Mexican salsa wave, etc.

    In short, we want to become the pocket reference from serious to funky pocket designs! You can take a look at our website: www.pocketify.com and join our newsletter and/or (Ideally AND haha) follow us on Instagram and Facebook (@Pocketify for both). Our promo video will soon be ready and live on our Youtube channel.

    We would like to hear from you since this is our first Kickstarter campaign and probably not the last! So here’s our strategy, in general, followed by some questions:

    1-Due to the nature of our products, we have decided to run a contest as a pre-campaign email acquisition strategy. The prize is one (1) pocket per month for one (1) year, for a maximum value of just over $ 800 USD! We will promote the contest on Facebook ads and Insta ads and we will ask people to like our Facebook page or our Instagram account in addition to commenting on a post with a pocket idea! We will also encourage people to get help from a friend if they can’t find an idea on the spot.

    2-As soon as someone comments, we will send a message on Facebook Messenger using Manychat. Proceeding this way will help us collect email addresses, encourage people to sign up to our newsletter, offer the 40% early birds discount and suggest the “pocket creator” promotion (described below). We will also use Manychat to announce the winner on the 2nd day of our Kickstarter campaign and ask participants that did not win if they would like to get the 25% discount offered only during our Kickstarter launch.

    3-I have also planned a series of 7 automated emails during which I’ll introduce myself + pocket collections + "pocket creators" promo + pockets creation process + promo video launch + release the first version of our Kickstarter page + other accessories that will be on sale during the campaign AND, finally, 2 non-automated emails to announce the launch day and announce the opening of the campaign a few hours before it starts.

    4-We will also offer 10% for every referral ($ 25 minimum to make a payment) as well as the possibility for our followers to create a pocket and engage people in their own network or people that share the same interests. These pockets can be designed to support a cause, to promote a sports team, to create a fancy of crazy design or ... anything else (as long as it stays politically correct)! For its pocket design, the designer will generate 10% revenue of the selling price for up to 6 months after the end of the crowdfunding campaign.

    5-As soon as we have enough emails (we estimate 650-750 is enough and we currently have 125), we will launch the campaign.

    6-We will also send cold emails to social causes/foundations as well as artists/graphic designers to have them create pockets. We will also write on artists/graphic designers forums to find interested people.

    Now it’s time for the question and answer period  So I'd like to receive your thoughts/feedback on the following points:

    Q1: I am considering having my press release drafted and distributed by a gig on Fiverr.com (a lot of gigs often promote a 500+ media reach). What do you think? Have you ever done that? I have seen several Gigs on Fiverr with excellent reviews. A lot of them are rated 5 stars with more than 5000 reviews and most offer very affordable prices (under $ 150CAD). If not, what would you do if you were on short deadline?

    Q2: Do you believe guest blogging is interesting? If so, do you have any blog suggestions for my product? I know it's also offered by many Gigs on Fiverr, but for this kind of service I might not have the same level of confidence on Fiverr and believe I might end up with no return on my investment.

    Q3: What do you think of the 10% referral incentive? Is it too low?

    Q4: Do you believe the “pocket creators” promo is interesting?

    Q5: Do you think the contest will reach enough participants on Facebook and Instagram and have a decent acquisition cost?

    Q6: For Canada's fulfillment abroad, which shipping companies would you recommend? Do you have any advice on this aspect?

    Q7: If you would like to provide additional feedback, do not hesitate!

    Very long for a first post, I agree! Thanks in advance for helping!


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