What Morgan Freeman did to our campaign?
  • deckofjustice
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    What Morgan Freeman did to our campaign?

    by deckofjustice » Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:52 pm

    So we were wraping everything up before launching our first mad card game (called the deck of justice) on Kickstarter an then we thought...who should narrate the main campaign video? who should be commentating on our gameplay? how can we match the craziness in the game and capture it in one video?


    And it suddenly came to us. Who else would better narrate the game in a cartoonish and a serious tone both at the same time but the man himself...

    Morgan Freeman...

    So we did not contact him of course...we contacted our next best option. Mr Jason Voices and his fantastic impersonation of Morgan Freeman, which made the video completely hilarious (check below).


    We loved Jason's work and people liked it as well and told us how the video was "Wacky. Surprisingly informative video given the level of cuh-ray-zee-ness"


    We finally launched it and you can check it our now:

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/29 ... n-steroids

    Will keep you updated with how things are going 8-)

    Please share your thoughts and experiences if you have done something similar, or any question regarding our marketing strategy.

    Omar ;)

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    Re: What Morgan Freeman did to our campaign?

    by RFIDsecur » Sat Jul 07, 2018 12:58 pm

    I really don’t follow how a voice over is going to sell your product? Your product is what will or won’t sell based on how you market and promote it. The voice over is not the product but you appear to feel it is a key selling point?
  • deckofjustice
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    Re: What Morgan Freeman did to our campaign?

    by deckofjustice » Sat Jul 07, 2018 9:56 pm

    Who said so? and how do I appear to feel so? and how can it even be implied from what I said since I clearly mentioned that this idea came after wrapping everything up before launching??? Key selling point after wrapping everything up before launching????
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    Re: What Morgan Freeman did to our campaign?

    by RFIDsecur » Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:42 am

    I find it Ironic that you ask for thoughts on your marketing "strategy" and then proceed to get all defensive about a comment raised..

    The take away I had from your post is the comment I made. I also notice subsequently that Hyperstarter indicated similarly that the voice over aligned to the video is not going to be MY WORDS "the magic dust you appear to hope it will be. " Yes if it was the real Morgan Freeman" that is news worthy especially with a shot of him playing the game,..
    I suggest following up with Hyperstarter. This link will also be very useful to you. https://stonemaiergames.com/kickstarter ... nological/

    I quite like the concept and stylised characters, so I hope it does well, but seriously dissing someone that has taken the trouble to give you feedback is seriously bad manners, it won't endear you to anyone.

    Far better to have said something along the lines of " Thanks for your comment but I felt there was a story behind the voice over we chose, and this is what I am highlighting."
  • deckofjustice
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    Re: What Morgan Freeman did to our campaign?

    by deckofjustice » Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:52 pm

    I genuinely did not understand where your question came from and was asking to clarify as I (still) don't see how this was reflected in the original post. If my comment looked rude or bad manners to you then this was def not intended. It was a genuine question just like yours that asked for clarification. I did not post the original post to get a thank you message for sharing my experience, but for real feedback. That's why when you posted your feedback I could have said ok thanks without understanding where that came from, but I wanted genuine feedback. That's why I asked where is that reflected in my post to update/change if any and not bad manners as you though of it. Thanks for the kind words and the link anyway.
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    Re: What Morgan Freeman did to our campaign?

    by hyperstarter » Sun Jul 08, 2018 1:31 pm

    I don't think he was being rude to my previous post, but I do (still) question in this 2nd post on a copy of Morgan Freeman's voice would impact on your card game + then reposting the same post afterwards, makes me think you're focusing on the wrong things.

    To give you some positive advice:
    - You've got at least x10 people in the video, plus the voice over guy. Ask these guys to back you, promote you to their own (social) network. Even if they don't like the game, they can still "support" you.

    - Get the game out there. Whether it's gaming nights in pubs/bars in your local town or those places like Lost Planet, as you've got something that people can physically enjoy - ask them to try it out. If they like it, get them to back you.

    I think these two techniques are more useful for you. Best of luck...
    Promote your campaign today with Hyperstarter & use our free tool to identify Kickstarter page problems & fixes: https://www.hyperstarter.com/about
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    Re: What Morgan Freeman did to our campaign?

    by Cristina » Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:14 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
    Forum Moderator.
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