Ads or Public Relations?
  • p90xsmalls
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    Re: Ads or Public Relations?

    by p90xsmalls » Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:45 am

    PR is only useful if you get press features. Odds are you won't, so go with ads every time. PR is too good to be true, kickstarter campaigns are too small of a thing for the media to cover, in general.

  • BeetBlueJohn
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    Re: Ads or Public Relations?

    by BeetBlueJohn » Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:03 am

    Don't waste your time with PR, just stick to Ads -- it's much more reliable and consistent compared to PR.
  • CharlesDarwinsCreek
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    Re: Ads or Public Relations?

    by CharlesDarwinsCreek » Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:25 am

    Why not both? You don't have to choose between both of them. You can do PR yourself if your budget is low, and you can run facebook ads on a small audience as well if you're low there too.
  • New Wave Pipes
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    Re: Ads or Public Relations?

    by New Wave Pipes » Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:53 pm

    Ads all the way. PR is too risky and too much of a scam.
    Can you feel it yet?
  • NewSheen
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    Re: Ads or Public Relations?

    by NewSheen » Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:19 am

    Ads all the way. We want sales, we don't care what people think about our projects lol :roll: which is all that PR is good for anyways.

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