What is wrong with my Kickstarter project??
  • GadgetFeed
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    Re: What is wrong with my Kickstarter project??

    by GadgetFeed » Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:46 am

    I'm shocked that you only have 33 sales!! The product is good, your video is good, and your pricing is good.

    Your product page isn't the main problem.
    Here's a few things you could change on it:
    Your funding goal needs to be >$25,000
    There's not enough info to make a purchase
    You're too far along, without momentum

    The rest of the problem comes down to not bringing enough targeted traffic to Kickstarter. Marketing services aren't going to save your campaign at this point. Honestly, It's late enough in the game, that you wouldn't want it to succeed. However, I think you can leverage this to relaunch and earn a lot more.

    Here's what I'd do:
    Finish this campaign out, but with the intention of relaunching.
    That means, spend or save the rest of your marketing budget in a way that can be leveraged for the relaunch.
    Collecting emails, is probably the best solution for this. There's lots of guides on how to do this with FB ads, targeting people familiar with Kickstarter, that have a history of buying through FB ads. Set it up so they have all the info upfront and don't join your email list unless they're likely to make a purchase.

    When you relaunch, make sure that you have at least 40% of your sales on day one. Lowering your funding goal will help with this. The momentum that you gain on your first day is VERY important. Otherwise, you won't be promoted on Kickstarter itself. If you can get 40% of your own sales on Day 1, then you're much more likely to be featured across Kickstarter. This momentum will also make it easier to get press & have backers trust. You can reward your current backers for re-pledging on the new campaign by offering a great Early Bird Discount.
    Switching your manufacturing to China might help with this as well.

    As I scroll down the campaign page; you should continue to provide more information. Do close-ups of the mechanism; do a GIF cleaning it; have a video of your team; have a video telling the story of why you're doing this. Kickstarter doesn't have the best reputation of delivered goods. So, include a video of why you're able to deliver. As of now, you have a lot of people reaching the bottom of your campaign page, and they didn't have enough info to purchase. Instead; you should triple the length and info so that they make a decision to purchase before hitting the bottom of your page.

    Question: Are you the same company that's making the reflo cups on Amazon!? If so, you have way more credibility then you're showing in your campaign page. Your main video is >2min. Keep it how it is, but add on another 2min about who you are; your success; and why you're going to deliver. Mention that you have a successful item you've been selling in reputable stores & that it has 5 star reviews. Mention that your customers feedback is how you realized the need for a mug version.
    Also, if you are the reflo smart cup company, I'm sure there's many creative marketing strategies you could use. Do a search on yourself and see which customers love your cup. See what press you already have.Those sources I'm sure would love to support and share your new product.

  • Reflo
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    Re: What is wrong with my Kickstarter project??

    by Reflo » Tue Apr 03, 2018 3:07 am

    Hi Gadget Feed,

    Trust me, I'm as shocked as you are! I know it's an awesome product and should sell so I am scratching my head as to why it isn't.

    I REALLY appreciate your feedback. I am feeling pretty down about the whole campaign overall.

    Confession.... I did add some of that content after we first launched so it was not there to benefit all of the early lookers via Kickstarter when the campaign was new. I went with the "keep it simple, nobody wants to wade through too much" advice.

    Personally I'd rather skim over too much info but still have it available to me.

    I do plan to either cancel the project or let it run it's course.... then re-launch.

    I will be lowering the funding amount substantially with the strategy of letting it gain momentum more quickly and hopefully with it's self promotion, get past our needs (which will be in excess of whatever goal we state). Two of the biggest hurdles in the funding amount are that A. KS will take about 10% off the top for fees. B. About 40% of our funding will be a pass through for shipping, so no profit there. So whatever we raise, only about half will go toward producing this. I am honestly thinking about 10,000 just to keep it hot. I would rather see it 500% funded by the end... and my safety net is that I can cancel the promo if it doesn't hit the needed level.

    Costs to produce are high... even in China, since we have to produce molds, very costly. SOOOOO we are going to drop the Made in the USA component. We might make them here or we might have the Made in USA part as a stretch goal perhaps?

    You mention collecting emails. How do we do that? We did buy into Krowdster which provides a lot of contact info EXCEPT for emails. We have tried some targeted ad campaigns but I think that perhaps the lackluster performance isn't helping those people get onboard. I don't think I will get any email info on current supporters since we won't be funded this time around.

    We do have a pretty good sized email list of previous customers. However, I suspect a lot of people who are unfamiliar with KS aren't inclined to buy a product that they have to wait months to get. The KS community is in tune with that and I think the best group to market too.... if I knew how to, other than staying a hot item on the front pages.

    Am I better to just cancel the promo and announce a relaunch date to current supporters... or let it run it's course?

    I also wanted to add an extra video that shows me really demonstrating the cup..... something that exhibits how mess free it is under fairly extreme circumstance.

    Thanks again for your input and I would love to talk more. Feel free to contact me directly anytime. Not sure I am allowed to put this here but my contact is pete at reflo dot net

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