Promoting your campaign? 1 year 7 months research compiled.
  • tke73
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    Re: Promoting your campaign? 1 year 7 months research compil

    by tke73 » Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:17 pm

    I have a question:

    About 3 weeks ago, I posted to Facebook an announcement that this project was "coming soon." I outlined the who and what and where and why and everything else -- and I got an amazing response. It was shared many, many time. Likes? You better believe it!

    I was ecstatic! There was a lot of support for my project.

    Then I launched and announced it the same way on Facebook. *crickets chirping*

    People are dead silent.

    Any suggestions?


  • lowkey
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    Re: Promoting your campaign? 1 year 7 months research compil

    by lowkey » Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:57 pm

    tke73 wrote:I have a question:

    About 3 weeks ago, I posted to Facebook an announcement that this project was "coming soon." I outlined the who and what and where and why and everything else -- and I got an amazing response. It was shared many, many time. Likes? You better believe it!

    I was ecstatic! There was a lot of support for my project.

    Then I launched and announced it the same way on Facebook. *crickets chirping*

    People are dead silent.

    Any suggestions?


    Thats another thing about going viral. Some people might like the idea, but do not like to put their money in it. And you need to understand, chance you go viral were because of the content. And you should've put about your project prelaunch signup right before you get them going.

    Now, crickets. All you need to do is to update your page, target your audience by choosing those who recently responded to the viral posts, and you should be good to go.
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  • Reflo
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    Re: Promoting your campaign? 1 year 7 months research compil

    by Reflo » Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:29 pm

    I'm a little too new here to make my own post. So.... let me start here. What is wrong with my Kickstarter project? Pricing too high, too low? Wrong content, not enough?

    I've had 350 video plays and only 14 backers! Actually we had the 14 almost immediately. We soft launched over the weekend and got them all on day one. Been tweeting our butts off, facebooking, etc. emailed 1500 contacts today (mostly previous customers of a different but not entirely dissimilar product). Today also was the day that 7 different Fiverr promos took place (used Fiverr gigs to get word out).

    So... here we are with still 14 backers. I'm wracking my brain and think I need some ugly, honest feedback from others who have done this.

    Here's my project: ... ref=2oyqf7
  • Lesielle
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    Re: Promoting your campaign? 1 year 7 months research compil

    by Lesielle » Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:38 am

    Hi Reflo, I do not have time to a deep revision and in addition I am not an expert so here my client point of view.

    I did not see at any moment the cup with real coffee. It is clear that the cup is empty (if not, it seems that). You show how other cups split the coffee but with your, I can only "see" like an empty cup being moved. You get what I mean?

    Do videos without cuts or editions showing how you put coffee, how you close the cup and show how it doesnt split, how it flows out of the cup to drink it.... all you can show so we can see the product in action.

    For me that is the most important and the first thing I thought.
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  • APIA
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    Re: Promoting your campaign? 1 year 7 months research compil

    by APIA » Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:26 pm

    Hi Lowkey, we are interested in possibly utilising some of your skills on our new kickstarter project. Are you looking to get involved with Kickstarter projects or do you prefer to only offer advice on here?
  • Lesielle
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    Re: Promoting your campaign? 1 year 7 months research compil

    by Lesielle » Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:33 pm

    Hi @APIA I really recommend @Lowkey to you if you want to be scammed because the only thing you will get from him is 1000$ dollars less in your account like he did to me. In that case he is your man. I do not think that he is going to write in public because we scammed me 1000$ 2-3 weeks ago, but in case he write you a private message, you are warned.
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  • APIA
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    Re: Promoting your campaign? 1 year 7 months research compil

    by APIA » Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:55 pm

    Hi @Lesielle, I hope you are well and sorry to hear of your bad experience working with @Lowkey. Thank you for the heads up and congratulations on your successful project. Could you offer any tips which may have contributed to your success?
  • Lesielle
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    Re: Promoting your campaign? 1 year 7 months research compil

    by Lesielle » Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:17 pm

    You are welcome. Well not any great advice indeed haha We just work a lot the direct contact (each time a person was interested by our product in real live we redirect them to the campaign). Also, we published in facbeook groups and invested in Backerclub (also backerland but that place did not bring one customer). In backerclub we invest in the biggest package because at least the investment was guaranteed by them (in our case we paid like 800$ and it brought 1000$), but our product is different, we also earn money with refills so we did not mind too much to lose money with the kickstarter (the important for us was to bring customers, no to sell products). There are a lot of experts here, sure someone will give you better advices ;)
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  • mark_berg
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    Re: Promoting your campaign? 1 year 7 months research compil

    by mark_berg » Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:40 am

    Great info, Thanks for sharing such an useful research for promoting the Kickstarter campaign!

    Once building up a campaign, its important for kickstarters to follow some mechanisms to reach a wide audience.
    Refer this blog, briefly explained the tips to make a campaign a huge reach. ... 6c9a16153b
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  • Molly
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    Re: Promoting your campaign? 1 year 7 months research compil

    by Molly » Sun May 06, 2018 3:48 pm

    I really really happy to read your article, it is very useful for my project. And I also want to cooperate with you to get a big success of my project. I am new here and can't pm you. Would you mind PM me with your email or Skype?

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Thank you so much.

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