Thoughts on running a $1 goal project
  • seeingreen
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    Thoughts on running a $1 goal project

    by seeingreen » Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:41 am

    I am planning to run my next project soon and am considering running it with a funding goal of $1 (It is by no means my goal to only raise $1). The project is one that no matter what someone pledges it will cover the cost of giving them the reward they have pledged for. Basically it comes down to a list of pros and cons; here is my list so far:


    - The project is something I enjoy and want to do anyway; backers will only mean I can do more of it and share it with more people, so really $1, $100, or $1000 goal it really wouldn't make a difference it would only change the chance of me reaching my funding goal.

    - A $1 project is basically guaranteed to making its funding goal, adding another successfully funded project to my name, as-well as more proof of being someone who fulfills the rewards of their projects, and ultimately making more people comfortable with backing future projects.

    - For every dollar past $1 the project success bar will go up by 100%, so at say even $10 the project will show that it is 1000% funded which may make people who see that large percentage think it must be really popular and check it out and back it too. Also, I'm not sure if having a higher precent funding has any effect on how high up your displayed on project lists on kickstarter, kicktraqs, and things like that but maybe it does.


    - Some people may see a goal of $1 and think that the project is a joke and not click on it or want to back it.

    - Some people may like backing projects to help them get closer to their goal, but don't feel it is as urgent or important to back ones that have exceeded their goal.

    That's about all I have so far, which is making me lean toward thinking it's a good idea. I would love to hear feed back of what others think and any other pros or cons.

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    Re: Thoughts on running a $1 goal project

    by CrowdFund Genius » Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:15 pm

    Can you even launch a Kickstarter for 1$? Its an interesting concept, go for it and let us know how it works out. Like you said its guaranteed success and at worse you launched another successful project. It seems a bit like cheating though, and later on people could look at see that you ran a 1$ or several 1$ projects and they could view it as fraudulent. Interesting idea to say the least.

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    Re: Thoughts on running a $1 goal project

    by sbriggman » Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:06 pm

    Personally, I don't like the idea. It's kind of comes off like you are trying to game the system a little (not saying you are trying to, just how it appears to me). Would need to know more about the project.

    Kickstarter has been pretty adamant in what I have read that they do not want to be considered a pre-order website, but rather a website where creators can attract family/friends to a project and patrons of their creation. The fundraising goal is a symbol of the minimum it would take to get an overall project idea funded. Sure, you can basically sell items at different reward tiers, but just from the language used (perks), it is more like someone contributes at the lower tiers because they believe in your vision and want to see the project exist in the world.

    Yes, people will see that you've met your fundraising goal, but also people aren't stupid. With such a low goal, they can probably guess at the strategy that you are taking (appear that you are successful - which you are, but it's a little wishy washy) and it may turn them off.

    Those are just my thoughts. Let us know if you decide to and if you get approved :).
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