Funded Today vs Jellop
  • galeunderwood
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    Funded Today vs Jellop

    by galeunderwood » Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:29 pm

    Every big campaign these days either has the Jellop badge on it, or the Funded Today badge. I have read alot on these forms about funded today but not much about jellop. I emailed them and they work on a commission model kind of like funded today. Do they basically do the same thing? So hard to pick because both have done products just like mine.

    here's my campaign link:
  • gustofwisdom
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    Re: Funded Today vs Jellop

    by gustofwisdom » Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:34 pm

    Go with which ever one makes you feel the best. Trust your gut, it'll never let you down.
  • trent.palo.smith
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    Re: Funded Today vs Jellop

    by trent.palo.smith » Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:48 pm

    I worked with Jellop on one of my first campaigns. It really wasn't a great project so our conversion rate was quite low. They did seem to do a pretty good job given the circumstances. I think this was before Jellop started requiring the campaigns to be on track to raise $200,000 in order for you to work with them. My campaign was pretty good considering how low of a budget I had going into the kickstarter launch.
  • CharlesDarwinsCreek
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    Re: Funded Today vs Jellop

    by CharlesDarwinsCreek » Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:53 pm

    I saw that funded today did a good campaign since their badge up there, but I have seen some that failed as well with the badge on there.
  • tp33noscope
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    Re: Funded Today vs Jellop

    by tp33noscope » Fri Jan 05, 2018 6:43 pm

    Why would you even hire a marketing agency at all bro? Things just go viral, and if you've got a tight product people will just buy it. Kickstarter has a great platform with tons of organic traffic. That's all you need right there. Anything more than that and you're wasting your hard earned dime. Crowdfunding doesn't require marketing, i'd beware of any marketing agency for a crowdfunding campaign if I were you. It's called crowdfunding and it's not called going to market. After you make it to market after kickstarter or indiegogo, then that is the time to begin marketing and use an agency. But when you're a live campaign just save your hard earned dime bro, trust me I'm talking from experience. I've wasted so much funds during my live campaigns on every agency I could afford, literally any marketing agency. Didn't see any returns bro, no gainz at all is what i'm saying. Don't do it man. Trust me.
    xxnoscope360xx progamer 4 life. Now funding on
  • riddlemethis
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    Re: Funded Today vs Jellop

    by riddlemethis » Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:41 pm

    gustofwisdom wrote:Go with which ever one makes you feel the best. Trust your gut, it'll never let you down.

    This is generally true, but you want to do as much research as possible before making the final call. You can't risk your reputation on a bad decision, the consequences can be dire.
    Over 10 projects created, launched, and funded. Most recent campaign:
  • picklerick
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    Re: Funded Today vs Jellop

    by picklerick » Sat Jan 06, 2018 3:58 pm

    I will go with Jellop no matter what when I get a campaign that is big enough. I'm sure they're good at facebook ads I see their badge on many campaigns
    I'm pickle riiiick. Now on kickstarter:
  • boygeniuswonder
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    Re: Funded Today vs Jellop

    by boygeniuswonder » Sat Jan 06, 2018 4:59 pm

    I think they both charge wayyyy to much for what they do for a crowdfunding campaign. Most backers come in organically and a crowdfudning agency is just a luxury for most kickstarter campaigns.
  • danishlatif853
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    Re: Funded Today vs Jellop

    by danishlatif853 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:43 pm

    There must be someone on here who has worked with jellop for crowdfunding promotion! No one??
    We are preparing for our first launch, coming up in 1 months time!!!
  • lowkey
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    Re: Funded Today vs Jellop

    by lowkey » Sun Jan 07, 2018 3:13 am

    I've known couple of project owners who worked with Jellop before.

    1. Very pricey
    2. Most of them get results.
    3. Again, very pricey.

    Overall 6/10
    Personal Record : Assisted 13 Campaigns - 13K Backers - $2M Funded
    1 Year 7 Months Crowdfunding Marketing Compiled

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