KS: Who's For Dinner? The Card Game
  • VaporStarter
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    KS: Who's For Dinner? The Card Game

    by VaporStarter » Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:38 pm

    Matthew Rodgers was supposed to deliver this game a year and a half ago. Five months ago he simply vanish. No communication at all. By the standards of today's rip-offs, it was a pretty small campaign of $2,819, but none the less disappointing for those who backed the project. Then amazingly Matthew resurfaced on Nov. 29th. He said:

    "...I thought I had what it took to run my own business but failure after failure started to pile up and I shut down. It wasn't fair to anyone what I did... I felt like I didn't have any good answers for anyone and thus I didn't answer anyone at all. Well, it's taken me a little bit to get here but I'm back to the point where I feel like I'm able to start fixing my problems, and one of those problems is making Who's for Dinner? right for every one of my backers. "

    I want to say I'm glad Matthew finally started to communicate again. I'm not happy with his earlier actions, but the very least he can do is try and might things right. That being said, time will tell how sincere Matthew really is.

    I've seen other creators suffer the same problem... once the excitement of the campaign is over they are hit with the cold reality of actually filling all the rewards. They start to doubt their ability to be successful and they simple switch into a mode of avoidance. They forget that they are part of a community that traditionally helps each other and are backed by people who are amazingly understanding of delays and problems... and even willing to do whatever they can to help creators succeed.

    Anyway, I sent Matthew a direct message and he's failed to respond to me. We'll see if he actually has the fortitude to make everything right for his backers

    http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mrw ... -card-game

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    Re: KS: Who's For Dinner? The Card Game

    by sbriggman » Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:29 pm

    I'm also really glad he came back. That takes guts to admit to a bunch of angry backers that you screwed up and are willing to fix it.
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