IRONATE wrote:Has anyone tried reverse pricing on early birds?
I know Kickstarter is not a store, but I am toying with an idea that I would charge more for early bird rewards. Reasoning behind this is that early adopters are willing to pay more.
What do you think? Do you know any campaigns that did this?
And you would wait with posting the lower priced regular rewards until after the EBs are all gone? The problem is that if you do this, as soon as the regular rewards go live people will adjust to the lower amount and if you don't the regular priced rewards will be on top of the list because KS sorts on price...
We offer a special Ambassador version of our watch where the backer becomes a brand ambassador and gets featured on our social media/site with our other brand ambassadors. The pledge price for the Ambassador version is full retail, where we offer earlybird at 45% discount.. so far we have 5 backers who pledged for an Ambassador version.