Personalized Watch by Madroc Hood
  • Mavis Chuah
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    Personalized Watch by Madroc Hood

    by Mavis Chuah » Wed Aug 10, 2016 10:07 am

    Hello world,

    I am not sure if it is appropriate to shout out my project here. We are new project creator in KickStarter and it has been a roller coaster journey for us in a bootstrapping start up environment. Many businesses aim to solve other peoples’ problems, but we are doing is different; we truly sought to fill our own void of life’s mundane journey. The idea developed from our sense of being lost in our lives and this has spurred us to help people regain themselves again.

    We wanted to remind people of their happy moments, even though they might have bad times. Like a war-weary soldier who puts a photo of his beloved daughter in his pocket watch, we yearn for people to keep a piece of their happiest moment close to their wrist, where each ticking second reminds them the beauty in life, no matter the situation.

    KS link :

    We look forward to your tips to be successful in Kickstarter and woul like to learn from you guys out there.


    Mavis Chuah

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    Re: Personalized Watch by Madroc Hood

    by Cristina » Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:05 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
    Forum Moderator.
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