It is not easy getting there!
  • Thario
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    It is not easy getting there!

    by Thario » Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:45 pm

    Hello all!

    I'm Thomas and with my friend Alex we started a new project.
    At first it was just as a hobby, but as it began to take shape we were more and more involved. When the first results were visible and prototypes were ready we fell in love with it and decided we should do something more about it.
    Luckily I came across Kickstarter at that time and it seemd like a perfect way to develop this project and here we are:

    Before we even build the campaign we took this idea to our friends to check how they react and it was very promising. Then we presented it to more people and even took part in a huge expo in another country where we presented our prototypes. The feedback was amazing, everybody loved the design. It is very eye-catching, so all the people passing by were interested and took some photos :)

    With this experience and some more improvments we could launch our Kickstarter. The beginning of the campaign was quite strong, Nearly 50% of our goal was reached in about a week. But since then it's been a real struggle. Maybe after so positive feedback and good reviews we become overconfident and thought that it can go viral by it self or maybe there are some other factors? I've heard that the middle of the campaign tends to be the toughest but it was bearly crawling and at some point we were afraid about reaching our goal. Right now there is still one week to go and we are 94% funded, so there is a chance that we are going to collect our goal, but it would be nice to recreate some momentum for the finish to have a certain success.

    As far as promotion is considered, so far we have tried several things, but the results weren't very satisfying.
    We started with Backerclub. Thier mailing and retwetting was quite helpful, but not as good as we thought it would be and after that it went completly silent.
    Much better experience was with some articles and blog posts, however with our limited budget it is very hard to get some attention. Nevertheless those portals that decided to cover our story, made that very well and brought us some movement.
    Right now we are thinking about Facebook ads campaign, as a good value for money and easy way to measure conversion. I know that each campaign is a different case but maybe there are some general tips or patterns on how to set a right target group. Maybe somebody has some experience what results can we expect?

    This is our first adventure with kickstarter. By now there are tons of things we have learned and gained a lot of experience we can use, but we are still eager to learn and improve. If you guys could share your thoughts and feedback on the product, as well as the campaign, what could be done better, what do you like or dislike, it would mean a lot for us!

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    Re: It is not easy getting there!

    by hyperstarter » Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:36 am

    You're right it's not easy.

    I'm sort of connected with what you wrote, as you had written to one of my companies with copy & paste text of your campaign + link.
    - I replied back, but go no response.

    So for me, if your email pitches were all the same (i.e. scattergun) without finding the time to connect or research the site (the page you submitted was paid non-KS project only) I feel it would of worked out better for you as the Air Flower really looks great!

    Best of luck.
    Promote your campaign today with Hyperstarter & use our free tool to identify Kickstarter page problems & fixes:
  • miclee
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    Re: It is not easy getting there!

    by miclee » Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:47 pm

    Congrats on getting funded!
  • DivaBitch Couture
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    Re: It is not easy getting there!

    by DivaBitch Couture » Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:20 pm

    Have you found any other effective ways to generate authentic momentum?
  • easispread
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    Re: It is not easy getting there!

    by easispread » Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:19 pm

    I'm in the same boat having spent a large chunk on my money on prototyping and facebook ads. I spent about $500 on Facebook ads and though it has generated interest it's not what I'd hoped for. At the moment i'm working on a video and will be submitting to the tech facebook pages.
    EasiSpread - The Heated Butter Knife ... tter-knife

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