A project to launch a new fantasy world.
  • David T List
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    A project to launch a new fantasy world.

    by David T List » Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:55 am

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for having me. I have a project open right now for "A Sawmilll's Hope" which is the first book taking place in Silexare, a world I've been building for as long as I can remember.

    But I don't just want to get it published independently. I want to introduce a world where we can all tell stories and make art and build games. With each story I tell, I'm expanding the Compendium (seen here - http://silexare.com/compendium/ ), adding terms and images and maps.

    Please have a look at my Kickstarter and if it's something you can get behind or share, I'd be so appreciative.

    Thanks for your time. Here's the link - http://tinyurl.com/mzvev2u

    David T List

  • InfiniteHorizonsUly
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    Re: A project to launch a new fantasy world.

    by InfiniteHorizonsUly » Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:33 am

    As a fellow fantasy artist and also a creator with a live campaign I would love to help! I am not a social media Maven or Connector, but I just passed 150 Twitter followers and my account is less then a month old so considered yourself Twitted.

    Is that the proper word?

    Anyway, love the idea and the world you have built is obviously complete and well defined. The artist you are working with is stellar :D
    I have shared your campaign via Facebook (only have 84 likes. . .sorry :? ) but as we all know as crowd funders, sometimes it only takes one. . .!
    If you would like to see my art, then visit my tiny node on the web, click>>> www.starsongsandmoondreams.com
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    Re: A project to launch a new fantasy world.

    by sbriggman » Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:26 pm

    Ulysses, you are awesome! :). I hope that some people here on the forum can return the generosity. I just tweeted you out on @kickstartforum
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
  • David T List
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    Re: A project to launch a new fantasy world.

    by David T List » Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:34 pm

    Thanks, Ulysses!
    I couldn't tell you if Twitted is a real word... It sounds good to me, though!
    I'm digging your project as well! Very cool art. I'll give you a share, too. I have a decent amount of friends/likes... but like you said, whether they're the right one is what matters.
  • InfiniteHorizonsUly
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    Re: A project to launch a new fantasy world.

    by InfiniteHorizonsUly » Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:09 pm

    No YOU are awesome!! Your site was an invaluable resource during the week long crash course I did before I launched! This community inspires me to try hard every day. People such as yourself is what makes this engine go! I am not blessed to work full time marketing and producing art. I was able to a decade ago and am having a go at it again. Sorry it took so long to respond. I work in furniture sales and had to be up and to the daycare by 8am so I would not be late.
    In truth I should have reigned my enthusiasm after discovering Kickstarer in a bit. I created my Facebook a week before launch and opened my twitter a week after. The more I learn about crowd funding the more I realize that Kickstarter is the landing pad and I have to be a busy bee and being as many people as possible to my project and not expect strangers to stumble and pledge. If I Fail To Find Sunday I will clean up the page and simplify the rewards and jump back in the ring!! Of course all of you here will here about it!
    The artist who opened his door to me , a stranger--someone who's art I admired--has taken the plunge and launched his first canpaign!! I will be sure to get at least his manager on this forum. His name is David Delamare and his kindness and and willingness to give me hope is the only reason I got the confidence to market my art a decade ago!
    I must always repay my debts!
    David, if I can help more let me know? I don't want to step in toes but maybe after your project has firmed up I can do a guest artist piece in your world?
    If you would like to see my art, then visit my tiny node on the web, click>>> www.starsongsandmoondreams.com
  • David T List
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    Re: A project to launch a new fantasy world.

    by David T List » Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:03 pm

    You can totally do some guest artwork!!
    For every post on my compendium, I want a piece of original art, and I'm all about promoting the artist who contributes! I'm reworking the Compendium of the website right now, because when the book launches (if??) I'll be adding about 2 dozen entries to it. I need the compendium to be quicker and more scalable than it is... it will be less of a blog, more of a database.
    Either way, I totally want independent artists' input! I don't know if you're following me on Twitter or FaBook or G+ but I'll check back here frequently to keep up with you

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