Almost 1 week in!
  • Thalassa
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    Almost 1 week in!

    by Thalassa » Mon May 30, 2016 12:56 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I love this forum, have found many good tips, and figured it might be nice to share our journey with you guys. Our product is Linky, a foldable electric longboard. It fits in a bag, which makes it perfect for travelling and commuting.

    After extensively testing, we now have the prototype ready. However, production is expensive and therefor we need a minimum order. Our goal at Kickstarter is set at $100,000.

    I got involved in the project sometime in February, so about 3 months before the start of the kickstarter campaign. I was responsible for the Facebook marketing, while other team members created the video, website, strategic plan etc. etc. Also, during the pre-launch everyone helped to create a long press list.

    My strategy was to create an engaged fan base during the pre launch and to get them excited and eager before the launch. I created facebook ads for people to like our page, so that they would see our updates as often as possible. I tried different copy, different images and different target groups for a couple of days with a very limited budget and then added more budget to the best performing combinations. I found that the 'lifestyle' pictures performed way better than the product images.

    At the moment of the launch, obviously we announced it on Facebook, but we also started writing everyone in our press list. We were featured on a couple really cool websites, like Gizmag, Coolthings and more.

    At the moment we're almost one week in and already got 35% of our target. Our first early-birds batch of longboards was sold out in I think 24 hours or so, so that was amazing! Since the first 24-48 hours, we still see a steady grow.

    I think the biggest challenge at the moment is dealing with bloggers and other influencers. They all reply stating they really like the idea and that they would be thrilled to try out a board and write a review. However, since production won't start until we've reached the target, we need the word out now. A bit of the chicken-and-egg story. If anyone has tips on this, that would be very helpful!

    I've found lots of advice here on this forum, including really getting your friends and family involved, as well as supporting other projects, so that's something I'll emphasise now. Other than that I think I'll just keep reaching out to more influencers, see who will bite ;-) Good thing we're with a whole team, so everyone will take on a specific task :-)

    ;-) Ok, maybe we're not friends yet, but we could be! Please have a look at our project and help out in any way you feel comfortable with: either by backing it, sharing it with your friends, giving me tips on the mentioned challenge or by simply giving feedback.

    Friendship works two ways, and since I specialise in social media marketing, feel free to send me a private message with any questions in that aspect. I'd be happy to give you some tips!


    Linky - The Foldable Electric Longboard! #FreedomInYourBag
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    Re: Almost 1 week in!

    by Cristina » Tue May 31, 2016 12:13 pm

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
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    Re: Almost 1 week in!

    by Cristina » Tue May 31, 2016 12:15 pm

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
    Forum Moderator.
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  • tapdevice
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    Re: Almost 1 week in!

    by tapdevice » Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:56 am

    Good luck !
  • Thalassa
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    Re: Almost 1 week in!

    by Thalassa » Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:14 am

    Thanks @tapdevice!
    Linky - The Foldable Electric Longboard! #FreedomInYourBag

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