Need your feedback
  • rijoRodel
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    Need your feedback

    by rijoRodel » Thu Mar 03, 2016 2:21 pm

    My Name is Martin and I´m lokated in austria...
    So far so good :-)
    I startet a project on kickstarter, a wooden wallet combined with leather and nice tecnology (optional)
    It was a hard work for months to design the final product and then I thougt it would be a good chance to share it on kickstarter.
    But it seems that nobody cares about it, the only messages I get are people want me to pay for tweets... ugly as they do not care about the project.

    So I take this chance to ask you:
    What is wrong with it?
    Maybe you can help me to improve the campaign or the product it self!
    evry feedback is welcome but please respect my work.
    Thank you!

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    Betta Games
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    Re: Need your feedback

    by Betta Games » Thu Mar 03, 2016 3:02 pm

    Hi there. After looking at your campaign I've found a few things that could be improved on. To start off I think your looking at things from the wrong angle, and understandably so. You worked really hard on a great product. Now that your product is out there but people aren't jumping on it, your wondering if there is something wrong with your product. This is your main mistake. After looking at your project page I can tell you that I see nothing wrong with your product. However there is a lot of room for improvement in your presentation of that product. What will follow is a series of suggestions and insights on your presentation of your product.

    1. No Video!
    - You make a lot of claims about how great this product works and the awesome tracking app features but that is something people need to be shown. That is a huge selling point you need to capitalize on, but when only plainly stated, it sounds a little too good to be true.
    - Your video is also a chance for people to get to know you, the person they are investing in. Keep in mind that crowdfunding is very personal and social.

    2. The Pictures.
    - Much like the video this is an area of visual representation that is very important. Showing pictures of your product in action and in every day use will help people visualize using the product them selves. (You might want to look up the science behind "mirror neurons" to understand this better)

    3. 1st created, 0 backed
    - Not everyone cares that you haven't backed other Kickstarters, but those that do care a lot. Backing other projects shows that you are an active part of the community and puts you in a positive light.

    4. PersonaliCe
    - In the "About this project" section you misspelled personalize. Minor mistake, easy fix, nothing to really worry about just thought i'd mention it.

    To put your mind at ease, understand that these are common mistakes made by creators. Many people focus on the product without thoroughly thinking through the marketing. So I'm going to leave you with a few things to help you along. First, you might fail and that's ok. Plenty of projects have failed the first time but had a successful relaunch. Second, Work on presentation and being social. Forums like this, blogging, and social media are great starts. Lastly, my biggest suggestion is to do your research. There are a lot of blogs, articles, and books out there full of useful information. I'm going to leave a couple of links at the end of this post to help you get started. Best of luck, feel free to come back to me with questions.

    A very successful Kickstarter entrepreneur's blog:
    - Yes he is a tabletop game designer but much of the stuff he talks about is universal.

    That same entrepreneur's book: ... tegy+guide
    - I got this book for free at my locally library on disc to listen too in the car. It is the best book on crowdfunding I have found so far.

    A blog post to give you an example of how being more social helps your campaign: ... -in-paris/
    - Yes this is from my personal, and very small, blog. But I want you to mainly focus on what you can learn from the campaign featured in the article.
  • Kube
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    Re: Need your feedback

    by Kube » Thu Mar 03, 2016 3:42 pm

    I agree with Betta, making a video, to not only showcase the product, but to tell your story.

    Also, What are you doing to promote the campaign on your own? Are you getting a lot of traffic to your page, but no one is buying, or is no one coming to the page? Have you got google analytics set up to track that?

    I think we have an amazing video, (a bit long) but we are not getting that many people to the page.
    Peter Morrison
    Communications Director
    Kube A User-First Social Experience ... ate-p2p-an
  • rijoRodel
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    Re: Need your feedback

    by rijoRodel » Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:17 pm

    Thanks a lot, you are right I see things out of a special view, thats can be the reason.
    I will make a video this weekend and new pictures.
    There is traffic on the page by now I had 130 visitors (thats not a lot)
    I will do some promotion after adding the video.
    Is the description of the product enogh, when I take a look at Kube´s roject I have to say this looks very professional, but as I guess it is desigend by a professional... Thats a question of budget :-(

    best rgards and thanks
  • Kube
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    Re: Need your feedback

    by Kube » Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:44 pm

    I actually built the page myself, but I do have a design background.

    At the moment we have seen about 1200 visitors with 38 backers, (including those we pre-seeded) which is still fairly minimal, given our $50k goal.
    Peter Morrison
    Communications Director
    Kube A User-First Social Experience ... ate-p2p-an
  • jamesmade
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    Re: Need your feedback

    by jamesmade » Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:55 pm

    We just recently launched a campaign ourselves and can understand how frustrating it could be.

    I agree with pretty much everything that's been mentioned here. One thing that I've noticed is more and more projects are working with professional agencies to polish up the look and feel of their campaigns as well as to get more exposure. This makes it harder for the little guys like us to stand out.

    Graphics are a huge part of the visual experience that is your campaign page. Might I suggest finding friends or even hiring some people to work on the images and graphics on your page. A video would certainly help, even if it's done with your smartphone. I might suggest doing something like a product review you would see on YouTube. It's low budget and I'm sure you have enough to say about your wallet that you can rely directly in your video.

    Other than that, I'd stick with what the other members have mentioned! Best of luck!
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    Re: Need your feedback

    by Betta Games » Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:19 am

    @James Checked out your project, love the idea, I think the campaign was done well, backed you for $1, sorry it couldn't be more.
  • jamesmade
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    Re: Need your feedback

    by jamesmade » Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:57 am

    Betta Games wrote:@James Checked out your project, love the idea, I think the campaign was done well, backed you for $1, sorry it couldn't be more.

    Thanks Betta Games! I just saw it and I really appreciate it nonetheless. Every dollar counts! We're also looking for ways to increase our backer count so it most certainly helps either way! I'll be sure to check out what you guys have to offer as well. Cheers!
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    Re: Need your feedback

    by hyperstarter » Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:28 am

    Hi James, I commented on your post on another thread - not sure if you saw it: ... 527#p31527

    - I also mentioned it might be best if you create your own post so people can comment on Made.

    jamesmade wrote:
    Betta Games wrote:@James Checked out your project, love the idea, I think the campaign was done well, backed you for $1, sorry it couldn't be more.

    Thanks Betta Games! I just saw it and I really appreciate it nonetheless. Every dollar counts! We're also looking for ways to increase our backer count so it most certainly helps either way! I'll be sure to check out what you guys have to offer as well. Cheers!
    Promote your campaign today with Hyperstarter & use our free tool to identify Kickstarter page problems & fixes:
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    Betta Games
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    Re: Need your feedback

    by Betta Games » Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:00 pm

    @James. Went ahead and featured your project on my blog: ... x-bespoke/

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