hoku wrote:This is my Kickstarter project:
It funded in less than 12 hours. Here are the main factors that I think contributed to the quick funding:
1. I set a reachable goal
For my goal I chose the minimum that I needed to raise. This obviously makes it more likely that it'll fund but it also makes you look like a winner. No one wants to back something that is 1% funded and looks bleak, but people love to be apart of something that was fully funded early on.
2. I reached out to close friends and family personally right before launch
The day before I launched I reached out to about 50 of my closest friends and family with an individual, personalized message. I told them about the Kickstarter I was going to launch and that Kickstarter takes into account the number of backers so even pledging $1 would help a lot. Many ended up pledging much more than a dollar.
3. I partnered with someone who had successfully run a similar campaign
This person had over 1,500 backers from his previous project on his email list. We worked out a deal so that on the day I launched he sent out a message to his email list about my project.
Hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have questions!
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